Posts Tagged ‘whole foods plant-based diet’

Sugar Is Not the Great Evil

Sunday, March 20th, 2016
While most would label sugar as the greatest evil in these doughnuts, in fact less than a quarter of the calories in this ultra-processed food typically come from sugar

While many would label sugar as the greatest evil in these doughnuts, in fact less than a quarter of the calories in this ultra-processed food typically come from sugar

The Health Effects of Sugar Are Exaggerated  While More Harmful Ingredients are Ignored

Sugar has become the scapegoat for everything wrong with the health of Americans. Media, government authorities, and even some doctors blame sugar as the chief culprit – if not the only culprit – for epidemics of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, even cancer. The truth is far more complex, and understanding sugar’s secondary role, vs. other dietary villains, will put (more…)

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Seven Dangerous Mistakes in the 2015 Dietary Guidelines

Sunday, January 24th, 2016
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans give dangerous advice for filling your shopping cart

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans give dangerous advice for filling your shopping cart

How Can You Protect Yourself Against This Really Bad Advice?

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the official federal directive on how to eat, starts out with a promising goal. The Guidelines observe “about half of all American adults—117 million people—have one or more preventable, chronic diseases,” and pledge to use the “most current scientific evidence” to advise Americans on how to lose weight and get healthy.

Unfortunately, the Guidelines then go on to perpetuate the nutritional confusion and myths that result in so much unnecessary disability, medical costs, and premature death. While some reviewers note that the Guidelines are as not as (more…)

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How Many Cigarettes Should You Smoke in the New Year?

Monday, January 4th, 2016
Smoking used to be considered normal, even attractive. Now we know how deadly it is, even at low levels of use. Eating animal foods is currently considered normal, yet what amount of animal products is safe to eat?

Smoking used to be considered normal, even attractive. Now we know how deadly it is, even at low levels of use. Eating animal foods is currently considered normal, yet what amount of animal products is safe to eat?

And How Much Meat and Dairy Are Safe to Eat?

Will smokers get much benefit from a resolution to smoke fewer cigarettes, as an alternative to quitting altogether? Decades of global research on tobacco use show cutting down on cigarette use is a positive step, but the health impact is not nearly as strong as you may expect.

For example, research in Norway found that smoking just one to four cigarettes a day increased the risk of death during the timeframe of the study by about 50%. An American Cancer Society study found that one to three cigarettes daily increased (more…)

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The Long Life Diet

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015
A diet that supports health throughout your life is the foundation of vigorous senior years

A diet that supports health throughout your life is the foundation of vigorous senior years

The Surprising Facts About What Healthy People Eat to Reach Their 100th Birthday

A long life, enjoyed in good health, is a dream that many seek to realize. Yet while life span has been slowly increasing in developed countries, freedom from illness and disability is, unfortunately, not following the same trend. Researchers found that baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) had higher rates of many chronic diseases than their parents did at each age. Compared to the prior generation, baby boomer risks are at increased risk for:

• Diabetes: by 46%
• Hypertension: by 38%
• High cholesterol: almost 6 times the risk

An international survey of adults 65 or older in eleven industrialized countries found (more…)

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The Journey to Plant-Based Health Just Got Easier

Sunday, September 13th, 2015
The Plant-Based Journey will take you on the awesome passage to healthy, sustainable choices

The Plant-Based Journey will take you on the awesome passage to healthy, sustainable choices

Lani Muelrath Guides You on a Well-Lit Path to Plant-Based Success

You’ve heard the success stories, seen the before-and-after pictures of what a whole foods, plant-based diet can accomplish for your health, appearance, and budget. Perhaps you set out to achieve those rewards for yourself, but got sidetracked wandering around the supermarket with an empty cart, with no idea what to buy for dinner. Or you got a stomach ache from an abrupt change in your habits and decided that plant-based was not for you. Maybe your interest in healthier choices simply got put on a future to-do list as you sped through one rushed day after another.

Now you don’t have to figure out this lifestyle on your own. The Plant-Based Journey is an encouraging, practical, and highly readable trail map for turning your healthy intentions into reality. This book is rich with information, ideas, and simple, inexpensive, and yummy recipes.

Author Lani Muelrath is an experienced teacher and health coach. Her background gives her (more…)

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Three Surprising Benefits of Whole Grains

Sunday, July 19th, 2015
People who ignore science would have you believe that, although the veggies in this picture are healthy, the whole grains in their midst are not. Research shows conclusively that the whole grains are excellent food as well, and have a long list of well-known health benefits

People who ignore science would have you believe that, although the veggies in this picture are healthy, the whole grains in their midst are not. Research shows conclusively that the whole grains are excellent foods as well, and have a long list of well-known health benefits

Whole Grains Are Healthy -And That Includes Whole Grain Bread

Whole grains have an image problem. Pervasive media stories and nutrition books warn that eating grains puts you at risk for obesity and chronic illness. When you look at the facts, however, whole grains are clearly health-promoting in numerous ways you can use to your advantage.

The choice becomes clearer once you understand what these foods are. Whole grains are the seeds (more…)

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Plant Pure Nation Shows Health Is Ten Days Away

Sunday, June 7th, 2015
The documentary Plant Pure Nation shows that the truth is a stubborn thing. It doesn't go away.

The documentary PlantPure Nation shows that the truth is a stubborn thing. It doesn’t go away.

Nelson Campbell Directs a Documentary That Can Save Your Life

The film PlantPure Nation offers life-and-death drama in unexpected places: the Kentucky state legislature, a main street in small town North Carolina, and every day dinner tables. With a story that is engaging, suspenseful, and inspiring, this film surfaces both outrage and hope over the power of agribusiness and their political allies.

Director Nelson Campbell is a major actor in his own documentary. The audience catches an intimate look at his family as well: wife Kim, mom Karen, and dad T. Colin Campbell, PhD, co-author with another son, Thomas M. Campbell, MD,  of the bestseller The China Study.

When the Kentucky legislature, under heavy pressure from agribusiness lobbyists, fails to authorize a pilot project to demonstrate how a plant-based diet can improve

health and obesity rates for low-income communities, Nelson seizes the chance to (more…)

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Sushi Dangers

Monday, May 25th, 2015
The Centers for Disease Control provides this image of one of the roundworms commonly found in fish

The Centers for Disease Control provides this image of one of the roundworms commonly found in fish

Raw Fish and Raw Milk Are Not Healthy

Upbeat myths have boosted the image of raw animal foods, such as sushi, sashimi, and raw dairy products. Claims that these foods are somehow more “natural” and nutrient-rich than after they are cooked promote this raw fad.

Yet uncooked animal foods can be so hazardous that even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is hardly known for its aggressive protection of public health, warns the public forcefully to watch out. The higher risk of eating such foods includes getting infected with (more…)

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Soy: The News Is Good

Sunday, May 10th, 2015
Whole soy foods support health in many ways. Credible published research studies do not find health dangers in eating whole soy foods in moderation

Whole soy foods support health in many ways. Credible published research studies do not find health dangers in eating whole soy foods in moderation

The Health Benefits of Soy Are Real, While the Ideas of Danger Are Fantasies

Remember the school lesson about how, in fifteenth century Europe, influential thinkers said it was impossible to sail across the Atlantic Ocean? The governing idea was that the earth was flat, and anyone venturing too far west by boat would fall off the end of the world. Well, experience proved that popular opinion wrong, and we can smile at it today.

Yet in the twenty-first century, many are frightened by an equally silly idea – that soy (more…)

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My Day At the Dark Chocolate Factory

Sunday, April 26th, 2015
The Dandelion Chocolate sales locations offer samples of their single-source bars

The Dandelion Chocolate sales locations offer samples of their single-source bars

Sorting, Sniffing, and Tasting Are All Part of the Job of Making Intense Dark Chocolate Bars

Chocolate has always been one of my favorite foods. An allergy to chocolate in childhood was tough for me, and I could sneak only occasional bites. This sensitivity persisted, punishing me with a rash, a severe cough, and/or an excruciating headache if I dared eat chocolate even as an adult.

Happily, when I got rid of all the animal foods in my diet, I discovered I had never been allergic to chocolate at all. I had been allergic to the combination of chocolate made with milk. I could eat as much vegan dark chocolate as I wanted with no allergy symptoms.

While dark chocolate can be healthy, the amount you need to eat for health benefits is small – one to three ounces a week will do it. Eat too much, and you’re liable to (more…)

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