This easy-to-miss sign marks one end of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Promenade in San Diego. A similar sign marks the other end. Most seem to rush by without noticing.
The MLK Promenade in San Diego Is the Path of Inspiration
Visiting the major tourist spots in San Diego costs money, sometimes hundreds of dollars for a family. Yet right across from the San Diego Convention Center, lining a walkway next to the trolley tracks, is the most inspirational area attraction. Cost is zero. For the serious walker, it taps into another dimension, the internal vision of our best selves.
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Promenade stretches for a 30 minute easy stroll from the entrance to the Gaslamp Quarter to a small park across from Seaport Village. Dozens of plaques with MLK quotes line both sides of the path.
If you stop and read every quotation, you may find yourself roused, uplifted, and ready to keep struggling for what you believe in. My daughter Angela and I found that emotional charge today, in honor of MLK Day tomorrow.
His galvanizing quotes transform the English language into an instrument of change. Dr. King repeatedly centers on themes of nonviolence, justice, equality, tenacity, and a visionary future to be accomplished by courageous struggle. What would he have thought of the tensions ripping the nation today? Imagine his sadness over the shootings in Tucson.
As we absorbed Dr. King’s energy on the Promenade, Angela and I were disturbed at the neglect of (more…)