The Forks Over Knives Plan provides clear, practical guidance on how to achieve an enjoyable transition to a whole foods, plant based lifestyle
The Forks Over Knives Plan Keeps You On Track For Success
What if you are dissatisfied with your health? Maybe you are overweight, low in energy, plagued with headaches or sinusitis or chronic pain, on multiple drugs, or spending way too much money on the medical profession.
Then you find out your suffering and expense aren’t necessary. Hope glimmers for a real change. Maybe you saw the movie Forks Over Knives, or observed a friend regain her health on a whole foods, plant based diet, or read a science-based book on plant-based nutrition.
Here’s your problem. You are not sure how to get from where you are to where you want to be. The change may seem daunting and the food unfamiliar. You see others reshaping their meals overnight, while you are trying to figure out step one.
You have as much capability to improve your health and learn to enjoy new foods as anyone else does. Your questions are totally normal.
The book The Forks Over Knives Plan is your hands-on guide to transitioning to a whole foods, plant based lifestyle. The book’s authors, doctors Alona Pulde and Matt Lederman, make your journey simple,

Physicians Alona Pulde and Matt Lederman used their experiences with patients to hone their transition plan in the book
enjoyable, and paced to meet your needs.
The book has everything you need to be successful:
• An overview of the benefits of basing your food choices on whole plants
• A guide to changing breakfast, lunch, and dinner, one week at a time
• Flexibility in how quickly you transition
• The calorie density you should aim for to achieve both appetite satiation and an ideal weight
• Instruction on how to put together and shop for a meal plan for the week
• Practical tips on stocking your refrigerator, eating out, getting together with friends, and much more
• Over 100 delicious recipes for healthy, simple-to-prepare versions of some favorite “comfort foods,” including pancakes, granola, pizza, burritos, lasagna, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, curries, chili, salads, and even dessert
You can relax and enjoy your food, without concerns for getting “enough” of specific nutrients and without hunger or deprivation.
I was fortunate to meet with Dr. Pulde and Dr Lederman, who are spouses as well as co-authors, and find out more about the writing of The Forks Over Knives Plan, starting with the idea for the book. “People who saw the movie Forks Over Knives were excited about the message. Their first question was usually “how can I do this?” We realized we needed a way to help all these people make their desire a reality,” Dr. Pulde observed.
I wondered why Forks Over Knives had touched so many viewers. The doctors thought it was the compelling, heartfelt stories of real patients willing to share the details of their lives in order to help others. The movie helped people realize how bad their “normal” diet is, and opened their eyes to their own power to heal themselves through food.
I asked how the strategy of one meal at a time had been refined, and Dr. Pulde continued. “We were working with patients and offered them a variety of transition choices. The one that resonated most effectively is the one in the book. It’s important to be flexible, though. Some people want to transition in less than four weeks, and others want to take two or three months. Either is fine, and the meal-by-meal approach keeps them from feeling overwhelmed. Changing all three meals at the same time is very challenging for most, and this is perfectly normal. The important thing is ultimate, lifelong success with a new lifestyle.” Dr. Lederman added “During the transition, for each meal, it’s helpful to have both weekdays and a weekend to figure out each meal. Then people get to experience the cycle of a full week before moving on to the next step.”
Dr. Pulde explained “The point of the book is to be liberating. Let go of calorie counting and portion
control. Check out recipes. See what you like to cook and enjoy eating. Don’t be limited by your past thinking. This is starting afresh.”
Dr. Lederman offered more advice. ” Let go for a month and try it. Don’t decide if you like it or not until you are at the end of the transition plan. If you judge before you start, you sabotage yourself. Gimmicks and tricks don’t work. You deserve better. It may be hard to learn to trust your body when you have been let down before. But if you follow our plan, you will get significantly different results.”
The doctors are not providing direct patient care for now. They are working on various health and wellness projects with Whole Foods, and plan to continue reaching people in need and spreading the message on the power of a whole foods, plant-based lifestyle.
If you enjoyed this post, you may want to read interviews with two of the Forks Over Knives patients, San’Dera Prude and Ruth Heidrich.
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Blog posting by Janice Stanger, Ph.D. Janice authored The Perfect Formula Diet: How to Lose Weight and Get Healthy Now With Six Kinds of Whole Foods, a book that shows you how to maximize the benefits of a whole foods, plant-based lifestyle and better understand the science of how this diet works.
Tags: Dr. Alona Pulde, Dr. Matt Lederman, Forks Over Knives, plant-based lifestyle, The Forks Over Knives Plan, transition plan, whole foods