Posts Tagged ‘fish dangers’

My Three Most Surprising Blogs of 2014

Sunday, December 21st, 2014
With the right demolition equipment, you can knock down a large building. And with the real facts, you can shatter commonplace nutrition myths that make you sick

With the right demolition equipment, you can knock down a large building. And with the real facts, you can shatter commonplace nutrition myths that make you sick

These Eye-Opening Articles Demolish Dangerous Nutrition Myths

When I began researching meatless eating in 1995, I thought I was knowledgeable about nutrition. After all, everything I had been told from middle school on, whether from teachers, doctors, or the media, agreed that animal foods were necessary for good health. Meat was the center of my lunches and dinners.

My two daughters, then ages 11 and 13, had just declared they would not eat meat. Fooled by (more…)

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