Posts Tagged ‘Julie Simon’

How To Stop Emotional Eating For Good

Friday, January 11th, 2013

Julie Simon shares how to end emotional eating permanently

Julie Simon Shows You How to End Compulsive Eating and the Diet Mentality

Do you struggle with compulsive emotional eating, including binge eating when you’re not really hungry or frequently reaching for junk food instead of nourishing choices? If so, you may have developed a love/hate relationship with eating.

On the one hand, food is always there for you, and can entertain and soothe you. But at the same time, you feel out-of-control and so unhappy after stuffing down more than you need. You have probably tried many diets and maybe even emptied your wallet on an unsuccessful quest for an easy, trendy fix. Yet you find yourself with weight ups-and-downs (more up than down) and a painful struggle between “I want” and “I should,” with guilt never far away.

I know, I lived these conflicts myself through my early adult years. My friend Julie Simon, a psychotherapist and life coach, also struggled with these same issues. Lucky for us, Julie developed an approach to put a permanent end to unhealthy eating driven by addictions, body imbalances, and painful emotions.

Julie’s book, The Emotional Eater’s Repair Manual: A Practical Mind-Body-Spirit Guide for Putting an End to Overeating and Dieting, shares her discoveries. She articulates how to end (more…)

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