Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

The Whole Truth Is the First Step

Saturday, September 13th, 2014
Howard Jacobson talks about the writing of Whole and his next steps in guiding people to reconnect with nature

Howard Jacobson talks about the writing of Whole and his next steps in guiding people to reconnect with nature

Howard Jacobson Shares What It’s Like to Work With Dr. Campbell and What the Next Step Might Be

Whole, Dr. T Colin Campbell’s ground breaking book, tells why we need to totally rethink the science of what we eat. This subject could be confusing, unapproachable, or dull for most people. It’s none of these things, in large part thanks to Howard Jacobson, PhD, who is a contributing author of this compelling paradigm changer.

Every time I read Whole, quote after quote leaps out to tell the story with powerful language and images not afraid to tell the truth. Here are a few examples:

“We “race for the cure” by pouring billions of dollars into dangerous and ineffective treatments. We seek new genes, as if the ones we’ve evolved over millions of years are insufficient for our needs. We medicate ourselves with toxic concoctions, a small number of which treat the disease, while the rest treat the harmful side effects of the primary drugs.”

“Evolution has thankfully programmed us to seek out and enjoy (more…)

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How Important Is It to Eat Breakfast?

Monday, September 1st, 2014
Studies show that children who eat breakfast outperform their hungry school mates

Studies show that children who eat breakfast outperform their hungry school mates

Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Busy People

Skipping breakfast is tempting for time management, especially if you’re still sleepy, worried about arriving at a meeting on time, or getting children dressed and out the door with homework in tow. Yet years of research with both adults and children in the U.S., Europe, and Australia show that eating breakfast is important for health and energy levels. When you look at your productivity across (more…)

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What Dr. Milton Mills Knows Can Save Your Life

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014
Dr. Milton Mills travels around the country presenting surprising information about what humans should eat, and why

Dr. Milton Mills travels around the country presenting surprising information about what humans should eat, and why

He’ll Even Give You $10,000 To Prove He’s Wrong

The astonishing information never stopped as I watched Dr. Milton Mills give three talks on whether humans were made to eat meat. Here’s a handful of examples. Only herbivores – animals who live solely on plants – have an appendix. Only herbivores can suck up liquids. Carnivores, who have much larger mouths and an entirely different facial structure, have to lap up water. A three hundred pound lion can eat over 57,000 calories in one meal and then not eat for seven to ten days. On the other hand, herbivores foraging for whole plant foods can’t consume enough calories at a time to make it through a (more…)

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Are Veggie Meats Healthy?

Saturday, February 15th, 2014
More and more people are choosing veggie burgers over animal foods, for better health, superior taste, and kindness to animals and the planet

More and more people are choosing veggie burgers over animal foods, for better health, superior taste, and kindness to animals and the planet

Three Simple Tips to Find the Best Ones

Veggies “meats” are plant-based versions of chicken, fish, burgers, and other animal foods. These foods are soaring in popularity, as more and more people are cutting way back on how much meat they eat, but are looking for convenient substitutes for their usual menu items.

The healthfulness of veggie meats depends on two things. The first is your point of view. Are you comparing these foods to (more…)

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The Surest Way to Transform Your Eating Choices

Sunday, December 29th, 2013
Your health is the prize when you successfully step through the stages of change

Your health is the prize when you successfully step through the stages of change

How To Keep Going Until You Reach Your Goals

You likely already know a whole foods, plant-based diet is the healthiest and most compassionate way to eat, but perhaps you haven’t managed to make the transition despite good intentions. How can you commit to a diet built on vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices, with only a drop of processed foods – and make it work for you? A transformation in eating may appear (more…)

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Irresistible Cooking Made Easy

Saturday, December 7th, 2013
Better Than Vegan brings together Chef Del's story of a lifelong struggle with weight, a philosophy of eating, and terrific recipes in one very nicely photographed book

Better Than Vegan brings together Chef Del’s story of a lifelong struggle with weight, a philosophy of eating, and terrific recipes in one very nicely photographed book

Chef Del Sroufe Leads the Way to Health, One Recipe At a Time

Better Than Vegan, Chef Del Sroufe’s second cookbook, is a treasure trove of recipes, a philosophy of eating, and a compelling life story wrapped in with a stunning compilation of vibrant food photos. This book follows the author’s New York Times bestselling Forks Over Knives: The Cookbook, yet stands on its own as a guide to making delicious whole foods, plant-based recipes.

Instructions for recipes are straightforward and simple to follow. Full-color photos of the finished dishes are also useful guides to preparation. The ingredients are familiar and easy to find in any well-stocked grocery story. Many of the recipes have short ingredient lists, and the book gives practical advice on cookware and pantry basics. Chef Del invites you to use his recipes as springboards for your own ideas.

Better Than Vegan is also sprinkled with quiet humor. For example the recipe for Big Fat Breakfast Pizza contains the advice: “Do not share with anyone who criticizes you for making pizza for breakfast.” Even newcomers will be inspired to jump into the kitchen and start having fun.

The food spans a varieties of cultures. In each recipe, you can sense (more…)

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From 160 Units of Insulin A Day to Zero

Monday, November 25th, 2013
Charlie and Melody Fish have achieved amazing health improvements in the last ten months. Here they are in November 2013.

Charlie and Melody Fish have achieved amazing health improvements in just ten months on a whole foods, plant-based diet. Here they are in November 2013.

Charlie and Melody Fish Find A Plant-Based Diet Beats the Perfect Health Storm

Charlie Fish used to gasp for breath after walking a few feet. Now he can walk a couple of miles with no problem. Charlie shared his remarkable recovery story with me when I met him and his wife Melody at a Wellness Forum Conference in November 2013.

I asked Charlie how he used to eat before finding health on a whole foods, plant-based diet. “I grew up in Toledo, Ohio. My father had three restaurants, and let’s just say the family was well-fed. I was raised on meat, potatoes, gravy, and Hungarian food. I ate meat three times a day for my whole life, and saw nothing wrong with it. I was a ticking time bomb, and then it exploded.”

He continued “I was supposed to have foot surgery so was getting a pre-surgery EKG. The nurse mumbled something and left the room for 90 minutes. She came back and apologized. Something was very wrong with my EKG but even the cardiologist she had look at it did not know exactly what. I had a heart catheterization the same day. During the procedure I was drugged but still conscious. I heard one doctor say to another “What do you think about stents?” The other doctor just laughed. I knew then I was in big trouble.”

Just as he feared, (more…)

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Think Good Thoughts: Read The Pillars of Health

Saturday, November 16th, 2013
John Pierre, a well-known health coach, shares the secrets he's learned over the years to get you healthy

John Pierre, a well-known health coach and trainer, shares the secrets he’s learned over the years to get you healthy

Do Good Deeds When You Are Done

John Pierre, the nutrition and fitness consultant who works with celebrities, the military, corporations, seniors, and children, challenges one-dimensional views of health in his book The Pillars of Health. He describes four categories of daily choices to cultivate to achieve lifelong well-being, fun, and a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose. Even more, this book is suffused with compassion and caring for readers. You will feel like John Pierre is your personal coach, cheering you on to make better choices without demanding perfection.

The essential pillars of health are nutrition, mind, motion, and compassion. Take away any one of these foundations, and support for your health is wobbly. Take away two or more, and you may end up coping with pain, illness, and disability.

The author’s solutions are infused with playfulness, delight, and delicious taste. John Pierre gives you hundreds of specific, practical steps, complete with photos, stories, and recipe ideas, to strengthen each of the pillars of health, rebuilding them from the ground up if you need to. You will find out about nourishing foods, creative (more…)

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Running with Dr. Ruth Heidrich

Sunday, October 13th, 2013
Dr. Ruth Heidrich, in one of her many adventures, runs through the Buddhist ruins in Borobudur, Indonesia

Dr. Ruth Heidrich, in one of her many adventures, runs through the Buddhist ruins in Borobudur, Indonesia

Lifelong Running, Dr. Dr. Ruth’s Latest Book, Will Get You Moving

In Lifelong Running, Dr. Ruth Heidrich observes that children begin to run as soon as they learn to walk, and “stop running” is a frequent refrain parents and teachers aim at children. Adults fall into sedentary habits, their nature to run stifled by myths about this activity.

Dr. Ruth is a well-known runner who has won numerous gold medals in her (more…)

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Taxpayers Are Showering Money On Meat and Dairy Businesses

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013
Dave Simon's book is full of shocking information on the economic damage caused by meat and dairy

Dave Simon’s book is full of shocking information on the economic damage caused by meat and dairy

Dave Simon’s Meatonomics Shows Compelling Economic Reasons to Go Plant-Based

You may be familiar with three major motives to ditch animal foods: your own health, the health of the planet, and animal suffering. To these, Dave Simon – author, lawyer, and animal advocate – adds a fourth powerful argument. His book Meatonomics builds an economic basis to move toward a plant-based diet by showing the high monetary cost to taxpayers of meat, fish, and dairy.

Meatonomics is clearly written, original, and compelling. As vegan choices become more popular and accepted, while the US economy languishes in a frail economic recovery with a dysfunctional government in Washington, Meatonomics is well-timed to ride the wave of plant-based awareness and show a $414 billion dollar hidden drain on economic activity.

If the true cost of animal foods were charged at the grocery store, the price of (more…)

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