Posts Tagged ‘Forks Over Knives’
Sunday, November 13th, 2016

This beautiful pronghorn, a native species, regained its home after cattle were removed from Hart Mountain
Dr. Bill Ripple’s Research Shows the Stark Destruction Caused by Grazing Cattle
Bill Ripple, PhD is Distinguished Professor of Ecology at Oregon State University. Over twenty years ago, he began researching the beneficial effects that wolves in Yellowstone have on that ecosystem. From there, he branched to investigating the key roles of large carnivores in ecological systems around the world. I explored his findings with him on this critical research, especially how it demolishes the fantasy that (more…)
Tags: Dr. Bill Ripple, Forks Over Knives, grass fed beef, Hart Mountain
Posted in Animals | Comments Off on Grass-fed Beef Is Heating the Planet
Sunday, March 1st, 2015

Bacon is a food fad, and so a large selection greets shoppers. Yet few know how really dangerous this product is.
A Toxic Chemical Brew Disguised As Something Edible
The dangers of bacon make this food fad a gateway to cancer and early death. Research shows that processed meats, which include bacon, are health disasters. For example:
• Two studies in the US totaling 121,342 participants found each daily serving of processed meats was linked to a 20% increased risk (more…)
Tags: advanced glycation end products, AGEs, bacon, bacon smoke, cancer, Forks Over Knives, HCAs, MRSA, N-nitroso, processed meat
Posted in Health | Comments Off on Three Ways Bacon Will Kill You
Saturday, September 27th, 2014

The Forks Over Knives Plan provides clear, practical guidance on how to achieve an enjoyable transition to a whole foods, plant based lifestyle
The Forks Over Knives Plan Keeps You On Track For Success
What if you are dissatisfied with your health? Maybe you are overweight, low in energy, plagued with headaches or sinusitis or chronic pain, on multiple drugs, or spending way too much money on the medical profession.
Then you find out your suffering and expense aren’t necessary. Hope glimmers for a real change. Maybe you saw the movie Forks Over Knives, or observed a friend regain her health on a whole foods, plant based diet, or read a science-based book on plant-based nutrition.
Here’s your problem. You are not sure how to get from where you are to where you want to be. The change may seem daunting and the food unfamiliar. You see others reshaping their meals overnight, while you are (more…)
Tags: Dr. Alona Pulde, Dr. Matt Lederman, Forks Over Knives, plant-based lifestyle, The Forks Over Knives Plan, transition plan, whole foods
Posted in Health | Comments Off on The Easiest Transition to a Whole Foods, Plant Based Lifestyle
Saturday, December 7th, 2013

Better Than Vegan brings together Chef Del’s story of a lifelong struggle with weight, a philosophy of eating, and terrific recipes in one very nicely photographed book
Chef Del Sroufe Leads the Way to Health, One Recipe At a Time
Better Than Vegan, Chef Del Sroufe’s second cookbook, is a treasure trove of recipes, a philosophy of eating, and a compelling life story wrapped in with a stunning compilation of vibrant food photos. This book follows the author’s New York Times bestselling Forks Over Knives: The Cookbook, yet stands on its own as a guide to making delicious whole foods, plant-based recipes.
Instructions for recipes are straightforward and simple to follow. Full-color photos of the finished dishes are also useful guides to preparation. The ingredients are familiar and easy to find in any well-stocked grocery story. Many of the recipes have short ingredient lists, and the book gives practical advice on cookware and pantry basics. Chef Del invites you to use his recipes as springboards for your own ideas.
Better Than Vegan is also sprinkled with quiet humor. For example the recipe for Big Fat Breakfast Pizza contains the advice: “Do not share with anyone who criticizes you for making pizza for breakfast.” Even newcomers will be inspired to jump into the kitchen and start having fun.
The food spans a varieties of cultures. In each recipe, you can sense (more…)
Tags: Better Than Vegan, Chef Del, Del Sroufe, Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, process of change, vegan cookbook, weight loss, Wellness Forum, whole food, whole foods plant-based recipes
Posted in Health | Comments Off on Irresistible Cooking Made Easy
Sunday, October 13th, 2013

Dr. Ruth Heidrich, in one of her many adventures, runs through the Buddhist ruins in Borobudur, Indonesia
Lifelong Running, Dr. Dr. Ruth’s Latest Book, Will Get You Moving
In Lifelong Running, Dr. Ruth Heidrich observes that children begin to run as soon as they learn to walk, and “stop running” is a frequent refrain parents and teachers aim at children. Adults fall into sedentary habits, their nature to run stifled by myths about this activity.
Dr. Ruth is a well-known runner who has won numerous gold medals in her (more…)
Tags: cancer, Dr. Ruth Heidrich, Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, Lifelong Running, Martin Rowe, Perfect Formula Diet, Plant-based nutrition, reverse chronic disease, running, vegetables
Posted in Health | Comments Off on Running with Dr. Ruth Heidrich
Saturday, August 24th, 2013

John Tanner uses a novel method to teach others a lesson that nearly cost him his life
John Tanner Gives Away Vegan Nutrition Books In a Quest To Save Lives
John Tanner almost died on October 11, 2009. The 52 year old, cleared by his doctor as healthy, was running near his home, as he had done every morning for five years. Abruptly, without warning, he went into full cardiac arrest. With quick help from his neighbors, firemen, and medical professionals, John beat the 3% survival odds. In fact, in a couple of weeks, his cardiologist told him he could go back to his life “the way it was.”
John questioned this comforting directive, reasoning that his life “the way it was” had caused the heart attack and did not promise a long or healthy future. He began asking people what they knew about the causes of heart disease, and a friend suggested (more…)
Tags: cardiac arrest, cardiovascular disease, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, John Tanner, making a difference now,, Plant-based nutrition, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Health | 2 Comments »
Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Just as small patches of snow melt in spring, chronic illness can vanish with a whole foods, plant-based diet
Doctors Terry Mason and Baxter Montgomery Are Bright Hopes in a Failing Health Care System
The June 23, 2013 conference Healthy Taste of the South Bay, gave two top physicians the chance to share compelling visions for transforming the health of thousands of ill patients, not to mention the model that the medical system uses to approach chronic disease.
Dr. Terry Mason, CEO of the Cook County Health and Hospitals System, leads the third largest public healthcare system in the country. He is also a practicing urologist and one of the clinical stars of the documentary Forks Over Knives.
Dr. Mason’s vision is the Center for Total Health at Oak Forest, which would be a multipurpose health center using an evidence-based wellness-care delivery system to treat chronic illness and bring health to an underserved population. The physical foundation of his vision is (more…)
Tags: cardiovascular disease, Center for Total Health at Oak Forest, diabetes, Dr. Baxter Montgomery, Dr. Terry Mason, Forks Over Knives, Healthy Taste of the South Bay, Montgomery Heart and Wellness Center, nutrition facts, Plant-based nutrition, Texas Medical Center, vegetables, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Plant-based nutrition | Comments Off on Plant-Based Doctors Build On Powerful Visions
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

This ironic sign embodies the reductionist world view. This supermarket is giving away free Lipitor, and advertising this bounty on a sign right next to a promotion for a sale on meat, chicken, and processed junk food. Yet no one realizes the connection between the two signs
Why Whole Is the Must-Read Nutrition Book of Our Century
If you read only one book for the entire rest of your life, Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition, should be it. T Colin Campbell, PhD, the book’s pioneering author, shatters the current ways of thinking about nutrition with a compelling blueprint for a revolutionary alternative.
Here are three reasons to put aside whatever else you are working on, go out or online and get hold of Whole now, and read this groundbreaking work.
At its core, Whole aims to revolutionize your understanding of (more…)
Tags: Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, making a difference now, nutrition facts, Plant-based nutrition, reductionism, T. Colin Campbell, Whole, whole foods plant-based diet, wholism
Posted in Plant-based nutrition, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Three Reasons To Read Whole Now
Sunday, December 16th, 2012

Your choices significantly determine whether you will go over the health cliff that fills so many lives with pain and limitations
The Health Cliff Is Way More Treacherous Than Any Fiscal Politics
The drama of the “fiscal cliff” is riveting the country. Even when a political deal stops the threat of abrupt tax hikes and deep spending cuts, more battles over finances are sure to rock Congress for years to come, so the core issues will remain hot long after January 1, 2013.
While the fiscal issues are major news, the media spends little time focusing on the health cliff, which is a looming catastrophe for most Americans. You have the choice to make this most personal drama play out (more…)
Tags: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fiscal cliff, Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, health cliff, Perfect Formula Diet, Plant-based nutrition, reverse chronic disease, The China Study, Vegucated, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Health | Comments Off on How To Avoid Your Own Personal Health Cliff
Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Me and David at the table just before dinner. David cooked such an excellent feast that I'm still thinking about it. Yet the recipes he used are designed for easy home cooking by anyone who want to eat healthy with a minimum of time in the kitchen.
David Gabbe Makes the Veg World More Delicious
Do you ever look around your kitchen and feel uninspired? You want a simple, tasty meal but can’t quite get it together to cook something.
David Gabbe, a Portland-based vegan cookbook author, cooking instructor, and speaker, can help you out. I was fortunate, on a recent trip to Oregon, to savor an excellent dinner at David’s house with him and his wife, daughter, and son-in-law.
My spirited, friendly hosts offered such a variety of enticing food that it was hard to know what to eat first. I ended up with a plate crammed with a whole grain medley, tofu cubes, Mexican-themed casserole, corn bread, baked yams, and kale salad. Home made chocolate truffles (more…)
Tags: chocolate, cookbook, cooking, cooking classes Portland, David Gabbe, Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, Janice Stanger, Plant-based nutrition, Portland, tofu, vegetables, whole foods, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Recipes | Comments Off on Whole Food, Plant-Based Recipes for Everyday Feasts