Posts Tagged ‘free radicals’

How “Healthy Fats” Hurt You

Friday, January 2nd, 2015
Popular myth states that extracted oils are healthy. The truth is that they contribute to processes that result in inflammation, faster aging, and malignancy

Popular myth states that extracted oils are healthy. The truth is that they contribute to processes that result in inflammation, faster aging, and malignancy

Extracted Oils Are the Most Dangerous

The government, the food industry, even doctors may all bombard you with advice to eat so-called “healthy fats,” in the form of:

• olive oil (for monounsaturated fats)
• other vegetable oils (for polyunsaturated fats)
• fish oil (for long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fats)

But when you start looking closely, you will be faced with an unpleasant surprise. These extracted oils are dangerous in three major ways.


No whole food is entirely fat. Instead, fat is mixed in with the thousands of other components of the food, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and (if it’s a plant) protective phytochemicals that work as antioxidants.

Extracted oils are fats that are forced out of this whole food matrix and put into a capsule, bottle, or tub. Liquid vegetable oils, margarine, and fish oil are all examples of extracted oils.


There are two kinds of fats you do need to get (more…)

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Eat More, Wrinkle Less

Sunday, April 11th, 2010

Prevent Wrinkles with Whole Foods – And Protect Your Health in the Process

Your skin, your largest and heaviest organ, mirrors the health of your body. Your 20 pounds or more of skin protect you, regulate body temperature, make essential chemicals, and allow you to feel touch, temperature, and pressure.

Changes in skin with aging are normal. Premature wrinkles, though, can be a marker for a poor diet.

Changes in skin with aging are normal. Premature wrinkles, though, can be a marker for a poor diet.

The complexity of your skin is dazzling and important to appreciate. In just one square inch of skin you have about 500 sweat glands, 1,000 nerve endings, yards of tiny blood vessels for nourishment, 100 oil glands, 150 pressure sensors, and millions of cells. This intricate structure is separated into an inner and outer layer of skin. Each layer, in turn, has its own distinct architecture of many additional layers.

The deeper skin layer has both tough and stretchy protein fibers. As you age, your skin becomes thinner and less elastic. The protein fibers have less ability to bind water to keep your skin plumped.

Wrinkles form. While these marks of long life can be beautiful, the larger concern is that premature skin aging signals poor eating habits that can impair longevity and enjoyment of life. A diet rich in whole plant foods shields your skin from damage that can lead to wrinkling. Here’s why.

Radiation from the sun or a tanning booth causes free radicals to form. These are electrically charged particles that can damage cells in your skin.

Note free radicals emerge as part of normal metabolism, so all your cells (skin included) are bombarded by these hazardous particles even without (more…)

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