Posts Tagged ‘making a difference now’
Sunday, June 1st, 2014

Never Too Late To Go Vegan is an inspiring book with an inspired title
A Truer Book Title Has Not Been Written
The over-50 crowd now has their own book on ditching animal foods. Never Too Late to Go Vegan is a comprehensive guide to adopting and staying on a plant-based diet for this age group.
The book covers all the “whys” of making this change, as well as what to eat, how to cook it, and how to stay the course while dealing with some social and logistical challenges that vegans may run into. Lists of tips cover everything from how to make the transition to a plant-based diet to taming stress to places to learn more. Stories from the three coauthors, Patti Breitman, Carol Adams, and Ginny Messina, bring the lessons alive, as do many other entertaining and inspiring stories from others who went vegan in the second half of life.
I was happy to have a chance to talk with Patti Breitman, who is now a neighbor. Coincidentally, when I lived in Marin County in the 1990s, I regularly attended potlucks held by Patti’s organization Marin Vegetarian Education Group. These gatherings were an important force leading to my own (more…)
Tags: Carol Adams, getting healthy, Ginny Messina, lose weight, making a difference now, Never Too Late to Go Vegan, Patti Breitman, Plant-based nutrition, vegetables, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Plant-based nutrition | Comments Off on Never Too Late to Go Vegan
Saturday, November 16th, 2013

John Pierre, a well-known health coach and trainer, shares the secrets he’s learned over the years to get you healthy
Do Good Deeds When You Are Done
John Pierre, the nutrition and fitness consultant who works with celebrities, the military, corporations, seniors, and children, challenges one-dimensional views of health in his book The Pillars of Health. He describes four categories of daily choices to cultivate to achieve lifelong well-being, fun, and a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose. Even more, this book is suffused with compassion and caring for readers. You will feel like John Pierre is your personal coach, cheering you on to make better choices without demanding perfection.
The essential pillars of health are nutrition, mind, motion, and compassion. Take away any one of these foundations, and support for your health is wobbly. Take away two or more, and you may end up coping with pain, illness, and disability.
The author’s solutions are infused with playfulness, delight, and delicious taste. John Pierre gives you hundreds of specific, practical steps, complete with photos, stories, and recipe ideas, to strengthen each of the pillars of health, rebuilding them from the ground up if you need to. You will find out about nourishing foods, creative (more…)
Tags: ADHD, compassion, getting healthy, Healthy Taste of LA, John Pierre, making a difference now, Plant-based nutrition, process of change, reverse chronic disease, The Pillars of Health, whole foods
Posted in Health | Comments Off on Think Good Thoughts: Read The Pillars of Health
Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

Dave Simon’s book is full of shocking information on the economic damage caused by meat and dairy
Dave Simon’s Meatonomics Shows Compelling Economic Reasons to Go Plant-Based
You may be familiar with three major motives to ditch animal foods: your own health, the health of the planet, and animal suffering. To these, Dave Simon – author, lawyer, and animal advocate – adds a fourth powerful argument. His book Meatonomics builds an economic basis to move toward a plant-based diet by showing the high monetary cost to taxpayers of meat, fish, and dairy.
Meatonomics is clearly written, original, and compelling. As vegan choices become more popular and accepted, while the US economy languishes in a frail economic recovery with a dysfunctional government in Washington, Meatonomics is well-timed to ride the wave of plant-based awareness and show a $414 billion dollar hidden drain on economic activity.
If the true cost of animal foods were charged at the grocery store, the price of (more…)
Tags: Dave Simon, environmental degradation, getting healthy, making a difference now, Meatonomics, Plant-based nutrition, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Health | Comments Off on Taxpayers Are Showering Money On Meat and Dairy Businesses
Saturday, August 24th, 2013

John Tanner uses a novel method to teach others a lesson that nearly cost him his life
John Tanner Gives Away Vegan Nutrition Books In a Quest To Save Lives
John Tanner almost died on October 11, 2009. The 52 year old, cleared by his doctor as healthy, was running near his home, as he had done every morning for five years. Abruptly, without warning, he went into full cardiac arrest. With quick help from his neighbors, firemen, and medical professionals, John beat the 3% survival odds. In fact, in a couple of weeks, his cardiologist told him he could go back to his life “the way it was.”
John questioned this comforting directive, reasoning that his life “the way it was” had caused the heart attack and did not promise a long or healthy future. He began asking people what they knew about the causes of heart disease, and a friend suggested (more…)
Tags: cardiac arrest, cardiovascular disease, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, John Tanner, making a difference now,, Plant-based nutrition, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Health | 2 Comments »
Saturday, June 29th, 2013

The Animal Advocacy Museum proudly displays its thought-provoking logo
This Pasadena Museum Shares, Enlightens, and Creates Community
When Patty Shenker learned there is a SPAM Museum, she decided that animals deserve a museum too. She teamed with friend and fellow activist Prabhat Gautam to find a spot to turn their vision for the Animal Advocacy Museum into reality. After over a year of searching, the founders discovered space in Pasadena, California in a building that is part of the veg-friendly Throop Unitarian Universalist Church.
The Animal Advocacy Museum‘s mission is to educate the public about the many important issues that surround the way animals are treated. Among other issues, the Museum shows the suffering in puppy mills, fur, animals used for “entertainment,” animal testing, and farming animals for food. So it’s exciting that the Museum includes not just room for exhibits, but also access to an events space.
The first exhibit launched March 30, 2013. In the short three months since then, the Museum has put up new exhibits and already sponsored powerful speakers and fund raisers for other animal advocacy groups, and is planning a variety of ways to get people together and inspire them, including social events and a best (more…)
Tags: Animal Advocacy Museum, making a difference now, Patty Shenker, Prabhat Gautam, Sue Coe
Posted in Animals | Comments Off on Animal Advocacy Museum Is a Step Forward Inspiring Change
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

This ironic sign embodies the reductionist world view. This supermarket is giving away free Lipitor, and advertising this bounty on a sign right next to a promotion for a sale on meat, chicken, and processed junk food. Yet no one realizes the connection between the two signs
Why Whole Is the Must-Read Nutrition Book of Our Century
If you read only one book for the entire rest of your life, Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition, should be it. T Colin Campbell, PhD, the book’s pioneering author, shatters the current ways of thinking about nutrition with a compelling blueprint for a revolutionary alternative.
Here are three reasons to put aside whatever else you are working on, go out or online and get hold of Whole now, and read this groundbreaking work.
At its core, Whole aims to revolutionize your understanding of (more…)
Tags: Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, making a difference now, nutrition facts, Plant-based nutrition, reductionism, T. Colin Campbell, Whole, whole foods plant-based diet, wholism
Posted in Plant-based nutrition, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Three Reasons To Read Whole Now
Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

Robb and Amy enjoy a delicious, hearty dinner a few months after adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet
Robb Trexler Loves His Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet
Most people I’ve known who have moved from a standard American diet to a whole foods, plant-based diet have taken some time to make the transition. For me, it took about four years. While a slow transition works for many, Robb Trexler and his lovely wife Amy show that transforming food choices can happen rapidly, with permanent success.
Robb, a 64 year old nurse, Marine Corp veteran, and Clinical Data Analyst for the Open Heart Program at Scripps Memorial Hospital, is a San Diego friend I love to spend time with. He lives enthusiastically, being sweetly devoted to his wife and family, not to mention his favorite teams. He switched to a vegan diet with (more…)
Tags: Amy Trexler, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, getting healthy, lose weight, making a difference now, Plant-based nutrition, reverse chronic disease, Robb Trexler, San Diego Veg Week, weight loss, whole foods, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Health | Comments Off on Going Vegan In One Week, No Problem
Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Tribe of Heart film makers James LaVeck and Jenny Stein
Tribe of Heart Film Makers James LaVeck and Jenny Stein Show a Peaceable Kingdom That Includes Us All
In a profound scene from the film Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home, fifth-generation beef farmer Harold Brown describes his transformation when the cow Snickers ran up to him and thumped his head against Harold’s chest. In that moment, Harold felt (more…)
Tags: Cayce Mell, Cheri Ezell-Vandersluis, Harold Brown, Howard Lyman, James LaVeck, Jason Tracy, Jenny Stein, Jim Vandersluis, making a difference now, one-winged angel, Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home, Tribe of Heart, whole foods
Posted in Animals | Comments Off on A Stunning Film That Bumps Your Heart
Saturday, July 28th, 2012

Wayo and Lainey proudly display one of their gorgeous, delicious plates at Casa de Luz in San Diego
Wayo Longoria Creates a Dining Room Where You Are a Family Member
When you are on a whole foods, plant-based diet, finding a restaurant for an enjoyable meal can be a challenge. Eduardo (Wayo) Longoria solves this problem for you with San Diego’s Casa de Luz, an inviting dining room that serves certified organic, plant-based, (more…)
Tags: Casa de Luz, getting healthy, healing foods, making a difference now, Plant-based nutrition, San Diego restaurant, Wayo Longoria, whole foods, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Plant-based nutrition | Comments Off on Healing Foods and Satisfying Taste Marry At Casa de Luz
Monday, May 14th, 2012

Judy Ki hugs a whale shark at Shark Days in Sacramento, part of the campaign to safeguard real-life sharks being killed for shark fin soup.
Judy Ki Has Retired to a Career of Advocating For Sharks, Chickens, Pigs, and Politically Courageous Candidates
The family meals of Judy Ki’s Hong Kong childhood paved the way for her current whole foods, plant-based diet. She grew up in the Chinese tradition of eating fresh veggie dishes with only small amounts of meat and fish. Judy’s mom taught her to respect animals, including the (more…)
Tags: AB 376, APRL, Asian Pacific American Ocean Harmony Alliance, California Proposition 2, Commissioner of the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs, environmental degradation, Fast Food Nation, HSUS, Judy Ki, Kath Rogers, making a difference now, shark fin soup, shark finning, Vegan Outreach, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Environment | 1 Comment »