Posts Tagged ‘not-meals’

Not-Meal Plans: Permanent, Hunger-Free Weight Loss

Friday, May 14th, 2010

A Whole Foods Diet Does Not Have to Be Bound to a Clock

Meal plans are a hallmark of most diets. You are expected to get hungry on cue, and wait until a specific time to eat again. If you

Soup is ideal for not-meals. You can eat a cup or a bowl, depending on how hungry you are.

are famished between meals, you might be allowed a small snack – probably not enough food to satisfy.

Meals are a human invention. These prescribed times to eat serve to carve up the day, leaving long stretches to be devoted to work. Everyone gets synchronized on pretty much the same rhythm. This may be good for societal functioning, but is not so good for your body.

Hunger is a fundamental instinct and need. Your ancestors, foraging in nature, undoubtedly ate when they were hungry and food was available. Wild animals, living as nature intended, will eat off and on the entire time they are awake.

Your naturally perfect body knows when you need fuel and nutrients. Our understanding of nutrition and physiological

functioning is still far from complete. To second guess your body’s signals to eat is a recipe for failure in the long-run, and often even in the short-run.

The Perfect Formula Diet eating plan urges you to eat when you are moderately hungry and stop when you are full. If you wait until you are famished to eat, you are far more likely to let your appetite get out of control. The end result is that you stuff yourself with too much (more…)

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