Posts Tagged ‘antioxidant’

How To Make Dark Chocolate Part of a Healthy Diet

Sunday, February 8th, 2015
The cocoa powder is low in calories and fat but high in beneficial nutrients. The dark chocolate also has the nutrients, but is much denser in fat and calories.

The cocoa powder is low in calories and fat but high in beneficial nutrients. The dark chocolate also has the nutrients, but is much denser in fat and calories

Seven Tips To Do It Right

Compelling scientific findings, published in peer reviewed medical journals, show significant health benefits for dark chocolate and cocoa powder. Here are the major ways that chocolate helps you avoid chronic illness.

Cardiovascular disease

Dark chocolate and cocoa powder help the inner walls of your arteries function better. As a result of this and more beneficial effects, these chocolate foods:

• Lower blood pressure
• Make blood clots less likely to form in your arteries
• Reduce the risk of (more…)

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Five Reasons to Make Black Pepper a Favorite Spice

Sunday, August 18th, 2013

Black pepper is an inexpensive, common spice with a long list of health benefits

Black pepper is an inexpensive, common spice with a long list of health benefits

Black Pepper Sprinkles Unexpected Health Benefits and Pungent Taste

Sometimes you seek health by expensive, exotic means; you may fail to see the benefits right in front of you in everyday, low cost foods that you take for granted. Such is the case with black pepper.

This common spice has long been a personal favorite. I rarely eat lunch or dinner without enjoying the mildly spicy, distinct taste and enticing aroma of freshly ground black pepper. Finally, I stopped and asked myself “What are the benefits of this food I eat multiple times a day?,” heading to medical journals to see who else had asked this question and what they found out.

Black pepper, called “the king of spices,” is one of the most popular seasonings in countries around the world. The peppercorns are dried fruits of a tropical vine that will not grow in more temperate climates. People have prized black pepper for thousands of years, giving it a prominent role in traditional medicine and trade as well as in cooking. For example, traditional healers used black pepper to aid digestion, soothe stomach problems, and treat sore throat, colds, asthma, itching, pain, and breathing and heart problems.


Recent research validates powerful health benefits of this everyday spice. While black pepper contains (more…)

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