Posts Tagged ‘Kim Campbell’

The PlantPure Nation Cookbook Is a Recipe Delight

Sunday, July 12th, 2015
The PlantPure Nation Cookbook shows you how to easily prepare over 150 delicious and healthy recipes

The PlantPure Nation Cookbook shows you how to easily prepare over 150 delicious and healthy plant-based recipes

Kim Campbell Proves That Taste and Health Can Be Best Friends

The power of a whole foods, plant-based diet to transform health is compelling. But even with ample demonstration of this effectiveness, people may be reluctant to move to an eating plan with unappealing food.

This is where The PlantPure Nation Cookbook comes in. Filled with over 150 delicious plant-based recipes, as well as stunning photos that will make you want to drop everything and run to the kitchen to prepare the recipe that looks like you most need it now, this cookbook will have just about everyone happy to chow down on plant-based meals.

Author Kim Campbell generously shares her discoveries from 25 years of cooking plant-based meals, much of that time also as a busy working mom. Her recipes are family-friendly, affordable, and appealing to those new to plant-based eating, as well as to those who have been thriving on whole food, plant-based choices for decades. Eating enjoyment is in no way sacrificed to keep out (more…)

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Plant Pure Nation Shows Health Is Ten Days Away

Sunday, June 7th, 2015
The documentary Plant Pure Nation shows that the truth is a stubborn thing. It doesn't go away.

The documentary PlantPure Nation shows that the truth is a stubborn thing. It doesn’t go away.

Nelson Campbell Directs a Documentary That Can Save Your Life

The film PlantPure Nation offers life-and-death drama in unexpected places: the Kentucky state legislature, a main street in small town North Carolina, and every day dinner tables. With a story that is engaging, suspenseful, and inspiring, this film surfaces both outrage and hope over the power of agribusiness and their political allies.

Director Nelson Campbell is a major actor in his own documentary. The audience catches an intimate look at his family as well: wife Kim, mom Karen, and dad T. Colin Campbell, PhD, co-author with another son, Thomas M. Campbell, MD,  of the bestseller The China Study.

When the Kentucky legislature, under heavy pressure from agribusiness lobbyists, fails to authorize a pilot project to demonstrate how a plant-based diet can improve

health and obesity rates for low-income communities, Nelson seizes the chance to (more…)

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