Nelson Campbell Directs a Documentary That Can Save Your Life
The film PlantPure Nation offers life-and-death drama in unexpected places: the Kentucky state legislature, a main street in small town North Carolina, and every day dinner tables. With a story that is engaging, suspenseful, and inspiring, this film surfaces both outrage and hope over the power of agribusiness and their political allies.
Director Nelson Campbell is a major actor in his own documentary. The audience catches an intimate look at his family as well: wife Kim, mom Karen, and dad T. Colin Campbell, PhD, co-author with another son, Thomas M. Campbell, MD, of the bestseller The China Study.
When the Kentucky legislature, under heavy pressure from agribusiness lobbyists, fails to authorize a pilot project to demonstrate how a plant-based diet can improve
health and obesity rates for low-income communities, Nelson seizes the chance to (more…)