Posts Tagged ‘weight loss’

Proteinaholic Wipes Out Protein Myths

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015
Proteinaholic has an intriguing title that fully delivers on its promise

Proteinaholic has an intriguing title that fully delivers on its promise

Dr. Garth Davis Shows That What You Don’t Know About Protein May Be Killing You

The title of Proteinaholic captivated me, so I immersed myself in this book as soon as I could get hold of it. Proteinaholic lives up to its title, busting the dangerous myth that, when it comes to protein, more is better. This is a rich, multi-faceted book that effectively uses several strategies to document the hazards of high protein animal foods.

Proteinaholic paints the evidence-based nutritional picture in its glorious complexity. Yet even with all the science, the book is marvelously written, easy to understand and a pleasure to read. Proteinaholic generates excitement by directly attacking the protein myth at the center of American nutrition, a position few are willing to take.

The author, Garth Davis, MD, shares his own story of deteriorating health and

weight gain with high protein meals. He vividly describes his experience of “hitting bottom.” This desperation, paradoxically, was a good thing – opening his mind to question the real effect of eating animal foods multiple times a day. Dr. Davis began to spend (more…)

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The Journey to Plant-Based Health Just Got Easier

Sunday, September 13th, 2015
The Plant-Based Journey will take you on the awesome passage to healthy, sustainable choices

The Plant-Based Journey will take you on the awesome passage to healthy, sustainable choices

Lani Muelrath Guides You on a Well-Lit Path to Plant-Based Success

You’ve heard the success stories, seen the before-and-after pictures of what a whole foods, plant-based diet can accomplish for your health, appearance, and budget. Perhaps you set out to achieve those rewards for yourself, but got sidetracked wandering around the supermarket with an empty cart, with no idea what to buy for dinner. Or you got a stomach ache from an abrupt change in your habits and decided that plant-based was not for you. Maybe your interest in healthier choices simply got put on a future to-do list as you sped through one rushed day after another.

Now you don’t have to figure out this lifestyle on your own. The Plant-Based Journey is an encouraging, practical, and highly readable trail map for turning your healthy intentions into reality. This book is rich with information, ideas, and simple, inexpensive, and yummy recipes.

Author Lani Muelrath is an experienced teacher and health coach. Her background gives her (more…)

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How “Healthy Fats” Hurt You

Friday, January 2nd, 2015
Popular myth states that extracted oils are healthy. The truth is that they contribute to processes that result in inflammation, faster aging, and malignancy

Popular myth states that extracted oils are healthy. The truth is that they contribute to processes that result in inflammation, faster aging, and malignancy

Extracted Oils Are the Most Dangerous

The government, the food industry, even doctors may all bombard you with advice to eat so-called “healthy fats,” in the form of:

• olive oil (for monounsaturated fats)
• other vegetable oils (for polyunsaturated fats)
• fish oil (for long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fats)

But when you start looking closely, you will be faced with an unpleasant surprise. These extracted oils are dangerous in three major ways.


No whole food is entirely fat. Instead, fat is mixed in with the thousands of other components of the food, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and (if it’s a plant) protective phytochemicals that work as antioxidants.

Extracted oils are fats that are forced out of this whole food matrix and put into a capsule, bottle, or tub. Liquid vegetable oils, margarine, and fish oil are all examples of extracted oils.


There are two kinds of fats you do need to get (more…)

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Five Dangers of Eating Poultry

Monday, November 24th, 2014
You can pay a lot of money for turkey labeled as "organic" or "sustainable," but there is no evidence this reduces the health risks of eating poultry

You can pay a lot of money for turkey labeled as “organic” or “sustainable,” but there is no evidence this reduces the health risks of eating poultry

Chicken and Turkey Are Health Risks All Year Long

Turkeys are the routine centerpiece of many holiday meals, while chickens are a common “main course” for everyday dinners. Yet when you look closely at poultry, the health dangers may surprise you, and (more…)

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Will Fruit Make You Fat?

Friday, June 13th, 2014
Fruit sampling is a farmers market favorite for kids and their parents as well

Fruit sampling is a farmers market favorite for kids and their parents as well

Fears of Fruit Flood Ill-Informed Diets

Controversy swirls around the question of whether people who are overweight should eat fruit. On the one hand, this food is regarded as the embodiment of health, unprocessed and rich in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and other beneficial substances. But then there is the myth that (more…)

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The Surest Way to Transform Your Eating Choices

Sunday, December 29th, 2013
Your health is the prize when you successfully step through the stages of change

Your health is the prize when you successfully step through the stages of change

How To Keep Going Until You Reach Your Goals

You likely already know a whole foods, plant-based diet is the healthiest and most compassionate way to eat, but perhaps you haven’t managed to make the transition despite good intentions. How can you commit to a diet built on vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices, with only a drop of processed foods – and make it work for you? A transformation in eating may appear (more…)

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Irresistible Cooking Made Easy

Saturday, December 7th, 2013
Better Than Vegan brings together Chef Del's story of a lifelong struggle with weight, a philosophy of eating, and terrific recipes in one very nicely photographed book

Better Than Vegan brings together Chef Del’s story of a lifelong struggle with weight, a philosophy of eating, and terrific recipes in one very nicely photographed book

Chef Del Sroufe Leads the Way to Health, One Recipe At a Time

Better Than Vegan, Chef Del Sroufe’s second cookbook, is a treasure trove of recipes, a philosophy of eating, and a compelling life story wrapped in with a stunning compilation of vibrant food photos. This book follows the author’s New York Times bestselling Forks Over Knives: The Cookbook, yet stands on its own as a guide to making delicious whole foods, plant-based recipes.

Instructions for recipes are straightforward and simple to follow. Full-color photos of the finished dishes are also useful guides to preparation. The ingredients are familiar and easy to find in any well-stocked grocery story. Many of the recipes have short ingredient lists, and the book gives practical advice on cookware and pantry basics. Chef Del invites you to use his recipes as springboards for your own ideas.

Better Than Vegan is also sprinkled with quiet humor. For example the recipe for Big Fat Breakfast Pizza contains the advice: “Do not share with anyone who criticizes you for making pizza for breakfast.” Even newcomers will be inspired to jump into the kitchen and start having fun.

The food spans a varieties of cultures. In each recipe, you can sense (more…)

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From 160 Units of Insulin A Day to Zero

Monday, November 25th, 2013
Charlie and Melody Fish have achieved amazing health improvements in the last ten months. Here they are in November 2013.

Charlie and Melody Fish have achieved amazing health improvements in just ten months on a whole foods, plant-based diet. Here they are in November 2013.

Charlie and Melody Fish Find A Plant-Based Diet Beats the Perfect Health Storm

Charlie Fish used to gasp for breath after walking a few feet. Now he can walk a couple of miles with no problem. Charlie shared his remarkable recovery story with me when I met him and his wife Melody at a Wellness Forum Conference in November 2013.

I asked Charlie how he used to eat before finding health on a whole foods, plant-based diet. “I grew up in Toledo, Ohio. My father had three restaurants, and let’s just say the family was well-fed. I was raised on meat, potatoes, gravy, and Hungarian food. I ate meat three times a day for my whole life, and saw nothing wrong with it. I was a ticking time bomb, and then it exploded.”

He continued “I was supposed to have foot surgery so was getting a pre-surgery EKG. The nurse mumbled something and left the room for 90 minutes. She came back and apologized. Something was very wrong with my EKG but even the cardiologist she had look at it did not know exactly what. I had a heart catheterization the same day. During the procedure I was drugged but still conscious. I heard one doctor say to another “What do you think about stents?” The other doctor just laughed. I knew then I was in big trouble.”

Just as he feared, (more…)

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Going Vegan In One Week, No Problem

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013
Robb and Amy enjoy a delicious, hearty dinner a few months after adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet

Robb and Amy enjoy a delicious, hearty dinner a few months after adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet

Robb Trexler Loves His Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet

Most people I’ve known who have moved from a standard American diet to a whole foods, plant-based diet have taken some time to make the transition. For me, it took about four years. While a slow transition works for many, Robb Trexler and his lovely wife Amy show that transforming food choices can happen rapidly, with permanent success.

Robb, a 64 year old nurse, Marine Corp veteran, and Clinical Data Analyst for the Open Heart Program at Scripps Memorial Hospital, is a San Diego friend I love to spend time with. He lives enthusiastically, being sweetly devoted to his wife and family, not to mention his favorite teams. He switched to a vegan diet with (more…)

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Recipes That Sing a Plant-Based Song

Monday, April 1st, 2013
The Jazzy Vegetarian makes preparing a plant-based meal fun and easy

The Jazzy Vegetarian makes preparing a plant-based meal fun and easy

The Jazzy Vegetarian Brings Health With Music and Food

Laura Theodore started asking for acting and singing lessons at age 3, when she made herself the star of home movies that were supposed to have her baby sister as the focus. Laura got her first acting job when she was 11, and had performed in 40 plays and 5 television shows by age 16. Her acting was interrupted by idyllic summers on an island in Lake Erie between the US and Canada, where she learned to love nature and fresh-grown fruits and vegetables.

Laura, now popularly known as the Jazzy Vegetarian, shared with me her story of how she’s developed her cookbooks, PBS television series, and weekly radio show to get everyone to try their hand at healthy, compassionate cooking. Her journey started with frequent childhood stomach aches that became intolerable by the time she started her professional career in New York. “I grew up eating a typical American diet with lots of meat. During rehearsals as a kid, we would be given fast food dinners. I got terrible stomach pains after, but never (more…)

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