The Campbell Plan Guides Your Whole Food, Plant-Based Journey

Dr. Thomas Campbell shares funny and interesting anecdotes from his life throughout his book

Dr. Thomas Campbell shares funny and interesting anecdotes from his life throughout his book

Dr. Thomas Campbell Puts You In Charge of Your Own Health

As a family physician and coauthor of The China Study, Dr. Thomas Campbell is eminently credible in showing the power of a whole foods, plant-based diet in transforming your health. His book The Campbell Plan has three main characters. One is Dr. Campbell himself, the second is science, and third is food in its many forms.

Dr. Campbell shares personal anecdotes, some amusing and the last one heart-breaking, throughout his book. I especially enjoyed the glimpses of his early years and what it was like to grow up in the Campbell family.

You feel Dr. Campbell is there advising you with helpful tools and information. He knows that for you to succeed, you must be in control and want to make a real change. From the beginning, he encourages you to think about the health goal you’d most like to achieve. He understands you may struggle sometimes, and guides you to the personal resolve and social support you need to get through the rough patches and reach your goal. You have leeway to form new eating habits on your own terms. One tool the book uses in several places is Read the rest of this entry »

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Three Ways Bacon Will Kill You

Bacon is a food fad, and so a large selection greets shoppers. Yet few know how really dangerous this product is.

Bacon is a food fad, and so a large selection greets shoppers. Yet few know how really dangerous this product is.

A Toxic Chemical Brew Disguised As Something Edible

The dangers of bacon make this food fad a gateway to cancer and early death. Research shows that processed meats, which include bacon, are health disasters. For example:

• Two studies in the US totaling 121,342 participants found each daily serving of processed meats was linked to a 20% increased risk Read the rest of this entry »

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How To Make Dark Chocolate Part of a Healthy Diet

The cocoa powder is low in calories and fat but high in beneficial nutrients. The dark chocolate also has the nutrients, but is much denser in fat and calories.

The cocoa powder is low in calories and fat but high in beneficial nutrients. The dark chocolate also has the nutrients, but is much denser in fat and calories

Seven Tips To Do It Right

Compelling scientific findings, published in peer reviewed medical journals, show significant health benefits for dark chocolate and cocoa powder. Here are the major ways that chocolate helps you avoid chronic illness.

Cardiovascular disease

Dark chocolate and cocoa powder help the inner walls of your arteries function better. As a result of this and more beneficial effects, these chocolate foods:

• Lower blood pressure
• Make blood clots less likely to form in your arteries
• Reduce the risk of Read the rest of this entry »

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How the Vegiterranean Diet Transforms the Mediterranean Diet

The Vegiterranean Diet takes Mediterranean to wonderful heights of flavor and health

The Vegiterranean Diet takes Mediterranean to wonderful heights of flavor and health

Julieanna Hever Delivers a Delicious Journey To Blue Waters and Health-Enhancing Foods

Julieanna Hever, the plant-based dietitian, takes the Mediterranean diet to its highest level of taste and health in her book The Vegiterranean Diet. She gives you several books wrapped into one: a Mediterranean diet history, a colorful travelogue, an overview of required nutrients and how to get them, a guide to stocking your kitchen and making healthy cooking more convenient, and more than sixty extraordinary Vegiterranean recipes. The book is entertaining, informative, and compelling, with unexpected discoveries in every chapter.

Julieanna clarifies how the Mediterranean diet has changed since early research in Crete, when only 7% of calories came from animal products. Today, however, many have come to see this diet as reliant on fish, olive oil, cheese, and wine. This way of eating, as it is currently thought of, has been found to be an improvement on a standard American diet built on such staples as hot dogs, fries, and donuts. However, a comparison to the health-wrecking standard American diet is a low bar to pass.

Starting from the fact that the original Mediterranean diet was a whole foods, plant-based way of eating, Julieanna gives clear guidance on Read the rest of this entry »

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How “Healthy Fats” Hurt You

Popular myth states that extracted oils are healthy. The truth is that they contribute to processes that result in inflammation, faster aging, and malignancy

Popular myth states that extracted oils are healthy. The truth is that they contribute to processes that result in inflammation, faster aging, and malignancy

Extracted Oils Are the Most Dangerous

The government, the food industry, even doctors may all bombard you with advice to eat so-called “healthy fats,” in the form of:

• olive oil (for monounsaturated fats)
• other vegetable oils (for polyunsaturated fats)
• fish oil (for long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fats)

But when you start looking closely, you will be faced with an unpleasant surprise. These extracted oils are dangerous in three major ways.


No whole food is entirely fat. Instead, fat is mixed in with the thousands of other components of the food, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and (if it’s a plant) protective phytochemicals that work as antioxidants.

Extracted oils are fats that are forced out of this whole food matrix and put into a capsule, bottle, or tub. Liquid vegetable oils, margarine, and fish oil are all examples of extracted oils.


There are two kinds of fats you do need to get Read the rest of this entry »

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My Three Most Surprising Blogs of 2014

With the right demolition equipment, you can knock down a large building. And with the real facts, you can shatter commonplace nutrition myths that make you sick

With the right demolition equipment, you can knock down a large building. And with the real facts, you can shatter commonplace nutrition myths that make you sick

These Eye-Opening Articles Demolish Dangerous Nutrition Myths

When I began researching meatless eating in 1995, I thought I was knowledgeable about nutrition. After all, everything I had been told from middle school on, whether from teachers, doctors, or the media, agreed that animal foods were necessary for good health. Meat was the center of my lunches and dinners.

My two daughters, then ages 11 and 13, had just declared they would not eat meat. Fooled by Read the rest of this entry »

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Vanilla Is Anything But Plain

The vanilla flower is a gorgeous orchid, shown with the dried seed pods used for pure, natural vanilla spice

The vanilla flower is a gorgeous orchid, shown with the dried seed pods used for pure, natural vanilla spice

This Enticing, Aromatic Spice Protects Your Health In Five Ways

Vanilla has an image problem. The run-of-the-mill perception is that vanilla is a plain and boring choice. Once you learn about this extraordinary spice, your appreciation may change. In fact, vanilla is a rare, expensive, and health-enhancing flavor.

Vanilla is produced from the seeds of a tropical climbing orchid that grows as a vine. Native to Mexico, vanilla was used by the Aztecs in the chocolate drink of their royalty. The bees and hummingbirds that pollinate this orchid Read the rest of this entry »

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Five Dangers of Eating Poultry

You can pay a lot of money for turkey labeled as "organic" or "sustainable," but there is no evidence this reduces the health risks of eating poultry

You can pay a lot of money for turkey labeled as “organic” or “sustainable,” but there is no evidence this reduces the health risks of eating poultry

Chicken and Turkey Are Health Risks All Year Long

Turkeys are the routine centerpiece of many holiday meals, while chickens are a common “main course” for everyday dinners. Yet when you look closely at poultry, the health dangers may surprise you, and Read the rest of this entry »

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The Easiest Transition to a Whole Foods, Plant Based Lifestyle

The Forks Over Knives Plan provides clear, practical guidance on how to achieve an enjoyable transition to a whole foods, plant based lifestyle

The Forks Over Knives Plan provides clear, practical guidance on how to achieve an enjoyable transition to a whole foods, plant based lifestyle

The Forks Over Knives Plan Keeps You On Track For Success

What if you are dissatisfied with your health? Maybe you are overweight, low in energy, plagued with headaches or sinusitis or chronic pain, on multiple drugs, or spending way too much money on the medical profession.

Then you find out your suffering and expense aren’t necessary. Hope glimmers for a real change. Maybe you saw the movie Forks Over Knives, or observed a friend regain her health on a whole foods, plant based diet, or read a science-based book on plant-based nutrition.

Here’s your problem. You are not sure how to get from where you are to where you want to be. The change may seem daunting and the food unfamiliar. You see others reshaping their meals overnight, while you are Read the rest of this entry »

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The Empty Medicine Cabinet Shows a Medication-Free Path to Healing

Dustin Rudolph is a pharmacist working to empower you to get healthy with diet, something that is highly unlikely just by taking medications that don't get to the root of your illness

Dustin Rudolph is a pharmacist working to empower you to get healthy with diet, something that is highly unlikely just by taking medications that don’t get to the root of your illness

Dustin Rudolph Teaches You the Basic Principles of Lifelong Health

Dustin Rudolph is a pharmacist who wants to see his patients regain their health and become free of medications. He wrote The Empty Medicine Cabinet: The Pharmacist’s Guide to the Hidden Danger of Drugs and the Healing Powers of Food to help people looking for elusive answers about why they are sick. His book will show you a totally different approach to chronic illness – an approach that is not based on the pills, procedures, and surgery of conventional medicine.

The Empty Medicine Cabinet starts with idyllic memories of Dustin’s summers on his much-adored grandfather’s small farm in Montana. His grandfather lived what many would consider Read the rest of this entry »

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