Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

The Mindful Vegan Takes a New Approach to Transforming Food Choices

Monday, October 9th, 2017

The Mindful Vegan shows the way to transforming your relationship with food

Lani Muelrath Shows You How to Fuel Change From the Inside Out

Do you struggle with your weight, compliance with endless diets, and guilt with every slip up? In her insightful, beautifully written book The Mindful Vegan, author Lani Muelrath shares how she got past these inner battles. Like her, you can develop a peaceful, enjoyable relationship with healthy food.

In The Mindful Vegan, Lani shows you step-by-step, day-by-day, how to cultivate mindfulness and use it to quiet your own inner clashes. It’s not so much that you win the battles, as that the battles lose their hold on you as you incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. You don’t need to build will power (or “won’t power,” for cravings and binges) because the entire basis of your relationship with eating is shifted.

Lani lays out a 30 day plan to build mindfulness skills, with the result being significant internal and external changes within a month as you continue your busy life. You start out with one minute of meditation a day, building to (more…)

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Estrogen and Testosterone: Problems With Keeping Them Balanced

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

Both men and women may suffer from imbalances in estrogen and testosterone. Lifestyle changes may make a big difference.

How Can You Keep Your Hormones At the Best Levels?

Modern lifestyles contribute to unbalanced, excessive, or deficient levels of estrogen, testosterone, and other sex hormones in men and women. This may result in unpleasant outcomes – such as low sex drive or infertility – as well as to dangerous diseases – including cancer and heart disease. Here’s key information you need to make choices to help keep your sex hormones balanced.

You might not be aware that women produce and use testosterone, and men produce and use estrogen. The bodies of both sexes can convert testosterone into estrogen. So all sex hormones are important to you, whether you are male or female.

Balancing Strategy One: Carefully Consider Before Taking Supplementary Hormones

Some people have diagnosed medical conditions which may be treated with supplementary estrogen or testosterone. Before deciding whether to use hormones (more…)

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Dangers of Detox Diets – And How to Avoid Them

Sunday, April 16th, 2017

When, if ever, is it a good idea to “spring clean” your body? How could this be harmful?

Is “Spring Cleaning” Your Body Ever a Good Idea?

The idea of detoxifying your body may be appealing, and heaps of commercial products crowd the market to tap into this desire. A google search for “detox diet products” brought up 2,220,000 results in less than a second.

“Detox diet” is a loose term, which may include everything from water fasting to juice fasting to eating restricted amounts of specified foods. These diets may last anywhere from a day to weeks, or even longer. Some involve prescribing profitable supplements and other products, while others rely on home remedies.

One thing pretty much all these diets have in common is their vague claims. For example, (more…)

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Vitamin A Toxicity: A Little-Known Danger in Animal Foods

Thursday, September 8th, 2016
Be alert - it's legal to sell vitamin A supplements in doses that are higher than the recommended daily upper limit

Be alert – it’s legal to sell vitamin A supplements in doses that are higher than the recommended daily upper limit

Too Much Vitamin A Can Lead to Weak Bones and Fractures

Vitamin A is essential for proper vision, allowing new cells to form, and supporting reproduction and growth (including immune system strength). Sounds wonderful, you may be thinking,  and decide to consume large amounts of vitamin A. There’s a problem with this strategy though – vitamin A is fat soluble, accumulating in your liver and fat cells when you eat more than you currently need. At high levels, this stored vitamin A exceeds your body’s tolerable level, and starts causing (more…)

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Are You Getting Enough Sun?

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016
All life on earth is designed to thrive with the sun, or it would not be able to survive. This includes people.

All life on earth is designed to thrive with the sun, or it would not be able to survive. This includes people

Four Health Benefits of Sun, and Why Sunscreen Can Be Dangerous

Life on earth evolved with the sun. Humans are adapted to live and thrive with sunshine – otherwise, people would have long since vanished from the planet.  Once you understand the benefits and risks of exposure to sun, you can make informed decisions. How much sun should you get, and when and how can you shield yourself from its powerful rays once you have gotten an optimal amount?

Language lets you know, in an intuitive way, that modern medical and chemical industries exaggerate the dangers of sunshine’s ultraviolet rays and minimize surprising (more…)

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What Do Hormones Have to Do With Your Diet?

Thursday, April 14th, 2016
Hormones are chemical messengers, coordinating the various parts of your body

Hormones are chemical messengers, coordinating the various parts of your body

Three Ways to Mess Up Your Hormonal Balance

You may have blamed your hormones for health problems from mood swings to weight gain to depression. Or you might have used hormones as a way to build muscles and strive for lost youthfulness. When you understand what hormones are and how they work, you can make informed choices to achieve hormonal balance and avoid dangers.

Examples of well-known hormones include insulin, thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, growth hormone, cortisol, and vitamin D. However, there are (more…)

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Sugar Is Not the Great Evil

Sunday, March 20th, 2016
While most would label sugar as the greatest evil in these doughnuts, in fact less than a quarter of the calories in this ultra-processed food typically come from sugar

While many would label sugar as the greatest evil in these doughnuts, in fact less than a quarter of the calories in this ultra-processed food typically come from sugar

The Health Effects of Sugar Are Exaggerated  While More Harmful Ingredients are Ignored

Sugar has become the scapegoat for everything wrong with the health of Americans. Media, government authorities, and even some doctors blame sugar as the chief culprit – if not the only culprit – for epidemics of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, even cancer. The truth is far more complex, and understanding sugar’s secondary role, vs. other dietary villains, will put (more…)

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Seven Dangerous Mistakes in the 2015 Dietary Guidelines

Sunday, January 24th, 2016
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans give dangerous advice for filling your shopping cart

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans give dangerous advice for filling your shopping cart

How Can You Protect Yourself Against This Really Bad Advice?

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the official federal directive on how to eat, starts out with a promising goal. The Guidelines observe “about half of all American adults—117 million people—have one or more preventable, chronic diseases,” and pledge to use the “most current scientific evidence” to advise Americans on how to lose weight and get healthy.

Unfortunately, the Guidelines then go on to perpetuate the nutritional confusion and myths that result in so much unnecessary disability, medical costs, and premature death. While some reviewers note that the Guidelines are as not as (more…)

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How Many Cigarettes Should You Smoke in the New Year?

Monday, January 4th, 2016
Smoking used to be considered normal, even attractive. Now we know how deadly it is, even at low levels of use. Eating animal foods is currently considered normal, yet what amount of animal products is safe to eat?

Smoking used to be considered normal, even attractive. Now we know how deadly it is, even at low levels of use. Eating animal foods is currently considered normal, yet what amount of animal products is safe to eat?

And How Much Meat and Dairy Are Safe to Eat?

Will smokers get much benefit from a resolution to smoke fewer cigarettes, as an alternative to quitting altogether? Decades of global research on tobacco use show cutting down on cigarette use is a positive step, but the health impact is not nearly as strong as you may expect.

For example, research in Norway found that smoking just one to four cigarettes a day increased the risk of death during the timeframe of the study by about 50%. An American Cancer Society study found that one to three cigarettes daily increased (more…)

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Proteinaholic Wipes Out Protein Myths

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015
Proteinaholic has an intriguing title that fully delivers on its promise

Proteinaholic has an intriguing title that fully delivers on its promise

Dr. Garth Davis Shows That What You Don’t Know About Protein May Be Killing You

The title of Proteinaholic captivated me, so I immersed myself in this book as soon as I could get hold of it. Proteinaholic lives up to its title, busting the dangerous myth that, when it comes to protein, more is better. This is a rich, multi-faceted book that effectively uses several strategies to document the hazards of high protein animal foods.

Proteinaholic paints the evidence-based nutritional picture in its glorious complexity. Yet even with all the science, the book is marvelously written, easy to understand and a pleasure to read. Proteinaholic generates excitement by directly attacking the protein myth at the center of American nutrition, a position few are willing to take.

The author, Garth Davis, MD, shares his own story of deteriorating health and

weight gain with high protein meals. He vividly describes his experience of “hitting bottom.” This desperation, paradoxically, was a good thing – opening his mind to question the real effect of eating animal foods multiple times a day. Dr. Davis began to spend (more…)

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