Posts Tagged ‘cancer’

Seven Dangerous Mistakes in the 2015 Dietary Guidelines

Sunday, January 24th, 2016
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans give dangerous advice for filling your shopping cart

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans give dangerous advice for filling your shopping cart

How Can You Protect Yourself Against This Really Bad Advice?

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the official federal directive on how to eat, starts out with a promising goal. The Guidelines observe “about half of all American adults—117 million people—have one or more preventable, chronic diseases,” and pledge to use the “most current scientific evidence” to advise Americans on how to lose weight and get healthy.

Unfortunately, the Guidelines then go on to perpetuate the nutritional confusion and myths that result in so much unnecessary disability, medical costs, and premature death. While some reviewers note that the Guidelines are as not as (more…)

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Three Ways Bacon Will Kill You

Sunday, March 1st, 2015
Bacon is a food fad, and so a large selection greets shoppers. Yet few know how really dangerous this product is.

Bacon is a food fad, and so a large selection greets shoppers. Yet few know how really dangerous this product is.

A Toxic Chemical Brew Disguised As Something Edible

The dangers of bacon make this food fad a gateway to cancer and early death. Research shows that processed meats, which include bacon, are health disasters. For example:

• Two studies in the US totaling 121,342 participants found each daily serving of processed meats was linked to a 20% increased risk (more…)

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How “Healthy Fats” Hurt You

Friday, January 2nd, 2015
Popular myth states that extracted oils are healthy. The truth is that they contribute to processes that result in inflammation, faster aging, and malignancy

Popular myth states that extracted oils are healthy. The truth is that they contribute to processes that result in inflammation, faster aging, and malignancy

Extracted Oils Are the Most Dangerous

The government, the food industry, even doctors may all bombard you with advice to eat so-called “healthy fats,” in the form of:

• olive oil (for monounsaturated fats)
• other vegetable oils (for polyunsaturated fats)
• fish oil (for long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fats)

But when you start looking closely, you will be faced with an unpleasant surprise. These extracted oils are dangerous in three major ways.


No whole food is entirely fat. Instead, fat is mixed in with the thousands of other components of the food, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and (if it’s a plant) protective phytochemicals that work as antioxidants.

Extracted oils are fats that are forced out of this whole food matrix and put into a capsule, bottle, or tub. Liquid vegetable oils, margarine, and fish oil are all examples of extracted oils.


There are two kinds of fats you do need to get (more…)

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Vanilla Is Anything But Plain

Sunday, December 14th, 2014
The vanilla flower is a gorgeous orchid, shown with the dried seed pods used for pure, natural vanilla spice

The vanilla flower is a gorgeous orchid, shown with the dried seed pods used for pure, natural vanilla spice

This Enticing, Aromatic Spice Protects Your Health In Five Ways

Vanilla has an image problem. The run-of-the-mill perception is that vanilla is a plain and boring choice. Once you learn about this extraordinary spice, your appreciation may change. In fact, vanilla is a rare, expensive, and health-enhancing flavor.

Vanilla is produced from the seeds of a tropical climbing orchid that grows as a vine. Native to Mexico, vanilla was used by the Aztecs in the chocolate drink of their royalty. The bees and hummingbirds that pollinate this orchid (more…)

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Five Dangers of Eating Poultry

Monday, November 24th, 2014
You can pay a lot of money for turkey labeled as "organic" or "sustainable," but there is no evidence this reduces the health risks of eating poultry

You can pay a lot of money for turkey labeled as “organic” or “sustainable,” but there is no evidence this reduces the health risks of eating poultry

Chicken and Turkey Are Health Risks All Year Long

Turkeys are the routine centerpiece of many holiday meals, while chickens are a common “main course” for everyday dinners. Yet when you look closely at poultry, the health dangers may surprise you, and (more…)

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Are Veggie Meats Healthy?

Saturday, February 15th, 2014
More and more people are choosing veggie burgers over animal foods, for better health, superior taste, and kindness to animals and the planet

More and more people are choosing veggie burgers over animal foods, for better health, superior taste, and kindness to animals and the planet

Three Simple Tips to Find the Best Ones

Veggies “meats” are plant-based versions of chicken, fish, burgers, and other animal foods. These foods are soaring in popularity, as more and more people are cutting way back on how much meat they eat, but are looking for convenient substitutes for their usual menu items.

The healthfulness of veggie meats depends on two things. The first is your point of view. Are you comparing these foods to (more…)

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Running with Dr. Ruth Heidrich

Sunday, October 13th, 2013
Dr. Ruth Heidrich, in one of her many adventures, runs through the Buddhist ruins in Borobudur, Indonesia

Dr. Ruth Heidrich, in one of her many adventures, runs through the Buddhist ruins in Borobudur, Indonesia

Lifelong Running, Dr. Dr. Ruth’s Latest Book, Will Get You Moving

In Lifelong Running, Dr. Ruth Heidrich observes that children begin to run as soon as they learn to walk, and “stop running” is a frequent refrain parents and teachers aim at children. Adults fall into sedentary habits, their nature to run stifled by myths about this activity.

Dr. Ruth is a well-known runner who has won numerous gold medals in her (more…)

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Five Reasons to Make Black Pepper a Favorite Spice

Sunday, August 18th, 2013

Black pepper is an inexpensive, common spice with a long list of health benefits

Black pepper is an inexpensive, common spice with a long list of health benefits

Black Pepper Sprinkles Unexpected Health Benefits and Pungent Taste

Sometimes you seek health by expensive, exotic means; you may fail to see the benefits right in front of you in everyday, low cost foods that you take for granted. Such is the case with black pepper.

This common spice has long been a personal favorite. I rarely eat lunch or dinner without enjoying the mildly spicy, distinct taste and enticing aroma of freshly ground black pepper. Finally, I stopped and asked myself “What are the benefits of this food I eat multiple times a day?,” heading to medical journals to see who else had asked this question and what they found out.

Black pepper, called “the king of spices,” is one of the most popular seasonings in countries around the world. The peppercorns are dried fruits of a tropical vine that will not grow in more temperate climates. People have prized black pepper for thousands of years, giving it a prominent role in traditional medicine and trade as well as in cooking. For example, traditional healers used black pepper to aid digestion, soothe stomach problems, and treat sore throat, colds, asthma, itching, pain, and breathing and heart problems.


Recent research validates powerful health benefits of this everyday spice. While black pepper contains (more…)

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Cancer Is a Whole Body Disease

Saturday, May 4th, 2013
The highlight of the UCSDIntegrative Oncology Conference was listening and speaking to Dr. T Colin Campbell, author of the masterpiece The China Study

The highlight of the UCSD
Integrative Oncology Conference for me was listening and speaking to Dr. T Colin Campbell, author of the masterpiece The China Study

The UCSD Center for Integrative Medicine Treats and Prevents Cancer By Helping Your Body to Heal Itself

You may think of cancer as a discrete mass of cells with a life of its own. Every kind of cancer is labeled with the part of the body it first targeted. Yet your whole body is key to preventing and healing cancer, regardless of the type. To a great extent, all cancers begin in your mind, when you tell yourself to eat risky foods and spend the evening stressing out while sitting on the sofa. With the right knowledge and motivation, you can just as easily make healing lifestyle choices.

The University of California San Diego (UCSD) Center for Integrative Medicine weaves together open-minded conventional medicine with evidence-based approaches that go beyond drugs and surgery. I was privileged to attend the Center’s April 2013 Conference on Integrative Oncology, which brought together a range of perspectives on taming cancer using a whole body approach to strengthen self-healing.

The China Study‘s brilliant author, T Colin Campbell, PhD, was a keynote speaker. Dr. Campbell reviewed the highlights of research over decades that develops (more…)

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Which Air Pollutants Are Worst For Your Health?

Sunday, March 17th, 2013
You know your lungs are vital for breathing. Think of them also as a point of exchange between you and your environment. What are you bringing into your body?

You know your lungs are vital for breathing. Think of them also as a point of exchange between you and your environment. What are you bringing into your body?

Give a Wide Berth to These Four Enemies of Air Quality

Your lungs are an entryway to your body, a site where you literally take in your environment. Millions of tiny air sacs in your lungs have walls only one cell thick. The oxygen necessary to life diffuses into your blood across this cell layer, and carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism, diffuses out to be eliminated from your body. This exquisite design is fundamental to life, and blocking it for only a few minutes will result in death.

Modern indoor and outdoor air pollutants are intruders hijacking this process, leading to premature death, disability, and damage that crosses generations. Microscopic pollutant particles and gases can cross the one cell layer of your air exchange sacs and enter your blood, from there carried throughout your body to cause widespread damage.

Other particles remain lodged deep in your lungs, provoking serious respiratory inflammation and harming your ability to get the oxygen needed for survival. Your lungs are structured to function in clean air, so don’t (more…)

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