Posts Tagged ‘Perfect Formula Diet’
Sunday, December 21st, 2014

With the right demolition equipment, you can knock down a large building. And with the real facts, you can shatter commonplace nutrition myths that make you sick
These Eye-Opening Articles Demolish Dangerous Nutrition Myths
When I began researching meatless eating in 1995, I thought I was knowledgeable about nutrition. After all, everything I had been told from middle school on, whether from teachers, doctors, or the media, agreed that animal foods were necessary for good health. Meat was the center of my lunches and dinners.
My two daughters, then ages 11 and 13, had just declared they would not eat meat. Fooled by (more…)
Tags: Center for Biological Diversity, dangerous nutrition myths, Dr. Milton Mills, fish dangers, most surprising myths of 2014, Perfect Formula Diet, poultry dangers, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Plant-based nutrition | Comments Off on My Three Most Surprising Blogs of 2014
Sunday, December 14th, 2014

The vanilla flower is a gorgeous orchid, shown with the dried seed pods used for pure, natural vanilla spice
This Enticing, Aromatic Spice Protects Your Health In Five Ways
Vanilla has an image problem. The run-of-the-mill perception is that vanilla is a plain and boring choice. Once you learn about this extraordinary spice, your appreciation may change. In fact, vanilla is a rare, expensive, and health-enhancing flavor.
Vanilla is produced from the seeds of a tropical climbing orchid that grows as a vine. Native to Mexico, vanilla was used by the Aztecs in the chocolate drink of their royalty. The bees and hummingbirds that pollinate this orchid (more…)
Tags: antioxidants, cancer, chocolate, healthy desserts, inflammation, nutrition facts, Perfect Formula Diet, Plant-based nutrition, spice, vanilla, vanilla extract, vanilla powder, whole foods plant-based diet, whole foods plant-based recipes
Posted in Plant-based nutrition | Comments Off on Vanilla Is Anything But Plain
Friday, June 13th, 2014

Fruit sampling is a farmers market favorite for kids and their parents as well
Fears of Fruit Flood Ill-Informed Diets
Controversy swirls around the question of whether people who are overweight should eat fruit. On the one hand, this food is regarded as the embodiment of health, unprocessed and rich in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and other beneficial substances. But then there is the myth that (more…)
Tags: antioxidants, fruit, fruit and weight loss, fruit salad, lose weight, nutrition facts, Perfect Formula Diet, Plant-based nutrition, summer fruits, weight loss, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Plant-based nutrition | Comments Off on Will Fruit Make You Fat?
Saturday, February 15th, 2014

More and more people are choosing veggie burgers over animal foods, for better health, superior taste, and kindness to animals and the planet
Three Simple Tips to Find the Best Ones
Veggies “meats” are plant-based versions of chicken, fish, burgers, and other animal foods. These foods are soaring in popularity, as more and more people are cutting way back on how much meat they eat, but are looking for convenient substitutes for their usual menu items.
The healthfulness of veggie meats depends on two things. The first is your point of view. Are you comparing these foods to (more…)
Tags: antioxidants, cancer, diabetes, getting healthy, Perfect Formula Diet, Plant-based nutrition, salt, veggie meats, VegWorld Magazine, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Health | Comments Off on Are Veggie Meats Healthy?
Sunday, December 29th, 2013

Your health is the prize when you successfully step through the stages of change
How To Keep Going Until You Reach Your Goals
You likely already know a whole foods, plant-based diet is the healthiest and most compassionate way to eat, but perhaps you haven’t managed to make the transition despite good intentions. How can you commit to a diet built on vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices, with only a drop of processed foods – and make it work for you? A transformation in eating may appear (more…)
Tags: getting healthy, lose weight, Perfect Formula Diet, Plant-based nutrition, process of change, reverse chronic disease, stages of change, visualization, weight loss, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Health | Comments Off on The Surest Way to Transform Your Eating Choices
Sunday, October 13th, 2013

Dr. Ruth Heidrich, in one of her many adventures, runs through the Buddhist ruins in Borobudur, Indonesia
Lifelong Running, Dr. Dr. Ruth’s Latest Book, Will Get You Moving
In Lifelong Running, Dr. Ruth Heidrich observes that children begin to run as soon as they learn to walk, and “stop running” is a frequent refrain parents and teachers aim at children. Adults fall into sedentary habits, their nature to run stifled by myths about this activity.
Dr. Ruth is a well-known runner who has won numerous gold medals in her (more…)
Tags: cancer, Dr. Ruth Heidrich, Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, Lifelong Running, Martin Rowe, Perfect Formula Diet, Plant-based nutrition, reverse chronic disease, running, vegetables
Posted in Health | Comments Off on Running with Dr. Ruth Heidrich
Sunday, August 18th, 2013

Black pepper is an inexpensive, common spice with a long list of health benefits
Black Pepper Sprinkles Unexpected Health Benefits and Pungent Taste
Sometimes you seek health by expensive, exotic means; you may fail to see the benefits right in front of you in everyday, low cost foods that you take for granted. Such is the case with black pepper.
This common spice has long been a personal favorite. I rarely eat lunch or dinner without enjoying the mildly spicy, distinct taste and enticing aroma of freshly ground black pepper. Finally, I stopped and asked myself “What are the benefits of this food I eat multiple times a day?,” heading to medical journals to see who else had asked this question and what they found out.
Black pepper, called “the king of spices,” is one of the most popular seasonings in countries around the world. The peppercorns are dried fruits of a tropical vine that will not grow in more temperate climates. People have prized black pepper for thousands of years, giving it a prominent role in traditional medicine and trade as well as in cooking. For example, traditional healers used black pepper to aid digestion, soothe stomach problems, and treat sore throat, colds, asthma, itching, pain, and breathing and heart problems.
Recent research validates powerful health benefits of this everyday spice. While black pepper contains (more…)
Tags: antioxidant, antioxidants, black pepper, cancer, cardiovascular disease, getting healthy, king of spices, nutrition facts, Perfect Formula Diet, piperine, Plant-based nutrition, spice, whole foods
Posted in Plant-based nutrition | Comments Off on Five Reasons to Make Black Pepper a Favorite Spice
Sunday, December 16th, 2012

Your choices significantly determine whether you will go over the health cliff that fills so many lives with pain and limitations
The Health Cliff Is Way More Treacherous Than Any Fiscal Politics
The drama of the “fiscal cliff” is riveting the country. Even when a political deal stops the threat of abrupt tax hikes and deep spending cuts, more battles over finances are sure to rock Congress for years to come, so the core issues will remain hot long after January 1, 2013.
While the fiscal issues are major news, the media spends little time focusing on the health cliff, which is a looming catastrophe for most Americans. You have the choice to make this most personal drama play out (more…)
Tags: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fiscal cliff, Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, health cliff, Perfect Formula Diet, Plant-based nutrition, reverse chronic disease, The China Study, Vegucated, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Health | Comments Off on How To Avoid Your Own Personal Health Cliff
Monday, January 2nd, 2012

Selecting a diet is an important decision. It's worth the time to think it through and get some facts first.
And Why the Best Diet Is No Diet At All
Going on a diet is a serious decision. The eating plan you choose will impact your health, appearance, quality of life, self-image, and self-confidence. With so many diet choices, it’s easy to just go ahead with whatever is trendy or to follow the lead of co-workers, family, or friends.
You can lose weight on just about any combination of foods as long as you keep calories in check. But if you are undermining your health and metabolism in the process, you are making yourself into a time bomb for illness and future stubborn weight. Getting thinner will do you little good if your health and energy deteriorate.
With so much at stake, you can maximize your success by doing a little probing before making your choice. Here are the eight key questions that will guide you to the effective answer.
ONE. How fast will I lose weight? The answer you want to hear is “a pound or two a week.” This may sound slow to you compared to brash promises of some programs. Actually this rate of weight loss is sustainable and can be geared to fat loss (rather than the temporary water loss that is often a hallmark of rapid weight decreases). Plus cutting food intake (more…)
Tags: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dieting, getting healthy, lose weight, Perfect Formula Diet, reverse chronic disease, weight loss, Weight Watchers, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in weight loss | 1 Comment »
Sunday, November 27th, 2011

It's no coincidence that the aisles of products with chemical ingredients in most drug stores ends at the pharmacy counter
Must-Have Information on Harmful Chemicals in Your Home
Whether you are buying personal care and household products for yourself or as a gift for others, you need to be aware of the toxic substances that lurk in these products. Manufacturers lure you in with sexy ads and bright packaging. Chemical-laden choices promise to (more…)
Tags: Above the Fold, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, cancer, environmental degradation, Environmental Health News, Environmental Working Group, getting healthy, household products, Organic Bytes, Organic Consumers Association, Perfect Formula Diet, personal care products, President's Cancer Panel, Silent Spring Institute, Skin Deep cosmetics database, toxic chemicals
Posted in Environment | Comments Off on Five Top Sites to Get Toxic Chemicals Out of Your Life