Posts Tagged ‘fish’
Monday, May 28th, 2012

The beach gets crowded on a sunny day. The most popular activity is simply taking the sun. On an overcast day, people go home quickly.
Can a Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet Do What Sunscreen Can’t?
Life on earth evolved with the sun. Plants, the base of the food chain, harness solar power through photosynthesis in leaves. Animals live off the energy and nutrients in plants. Over billions of years, plants and animals have perfected their relationship with the sun. Living things have evolved safeguards to benefit from the sun without succumbing to its power.
Yet today, sunscreen manufacturers would have you believe that the sun is your enemy, a cancer promoter. Instead, you are supposed to trust the chemicals in sunscreen to safeguard your health. The fact that sunlight is free and sunscreen drained (more…)
Tags: cancer, environmental degradation, Environmental Working Group, fish, getting healthy, phytochemicals, Plant-based nutrition, President's Cancer Panel, summer, sunburn, sunscreen, vitamin D, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Health | 1 Comment »
Sunday, December 18th, 2011

The Perfect Formula Diet awards for plant-based happenings in 2011. The "top 10" list with 11 awards for an important year for the plant-based world.
Actually Eleven of the Top Good, Bad, and So-What Legacies of 2011
As 2011 speeds to its end, it’s time to reflect on the top events, organizations, trends, and people that will have a lasting impact on American food choices. The Perfect Formula Diet (PFD) 2011 awards point the way to making 2012 a better year for you and the planet.
Kale – Kale was all over the media in 2011. This vegetable is universally recognized as dense with minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals (beneficial nutrients found only in plants), and fiber – all with barely any calories. WebMD calls kale “the queen of greens” and notes it is growing in popularity.
A recent Huffington Post blogger calls kale “the new beef.” This is way too kind to the beef industry. However, the point is that you can get all the nutrients in animal foods by eating kale, in a way that is infinitely healthier for you and the planet. Kale comes in many varieties and colors, with flat or curly leaves. You can enjoy kale raw or include it in just about anything you cook. Find this easy-to-grow powerhouse in farmers markets and supermarkets all over the country.
Green smoothies– In recent years, (more…)
Tags: Captain Paul Watson, cardiovascular disease, Climate change, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Dr. Baxter Montgomery, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Pam Popper, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Terry Mason, EarthSave, environmental degradation, fish, Forks Over Knives, getting healthy, green smoothies, Janice Stanger, kale, Lipitor, making a difference now, Meals for Health, phytochemicals, President Bill Clinton, reverse chronic disease, Sanjay Gupta, Sea Shepherd, The Last Heart Attack, vegetables, weight loss, Whole Foods Immersion Program, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Plant-based nutrition | 1 Comment »
Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Deborah and her husband Gerry enjoy some impressive banana squash they harvested
Deborah Pageau Hit Rock Bottom On Health and Found a Simple Way Out
In spreading the message that fish contains worm larvae, I posted my blog on this topic on VegSource. Deborah Pageau replied from Canada with her story of witnessing live worm larvae wriggling in a fried fish on a Friday “fish and chip”night.
I immediately wanted to know more and share Deborah’s experience. Here she generously shares how she, her husband, and her daughter eliminated a range of health problems by eating a whole foods, plant-based diet. Yes, whole – vegan junk foods are rarely (more…)
Tags: cardiovascular disease, Deborah Pageau, depression, family, fish, getting healthy, Janice Stanger, lose weight, reverse chronic disease, weight loss, whole foods plant-based diet, worm larvai
Posted in Health | Comments Off on How To Beat Depression and Look Twenty Years Younger
Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

This beautiful fish enjoys her ocean home, just as nature intended
Ten Reasons Seafood Is Not Safe or Appetizing
Government, media, and even health professionals flood you with advice to load up your diet with fish and fish oil. The alleged health benefits of eating fish center on a two nutrients: omega-3 fatty acids and protein.
Don’t be fooled by industry and government hype. Plants are the base of the food chain on planet earth. Plants are nutrient factories, while animals are nutrient consumers. Fish are animals, and as such get all their nutrients from plants or from (more…)
Tags: cardiovascular disease, environmental degradation, extinction, fish, fish oil, getting healthy, Janice Stanger, mercury, nutrition facts, omega-3 fatty acids, seafood safety, whole foods plant-based diet, worm larvae
Posted in Health | 9 Comments »
Sunday, September 4th, 2011

Flax seeds are tiny, but contribute much to a whole foods, plant-based diet.
Why Consuming Fish for Omega-3s Is Like Eating Radioactive Vegetables
You can’t eat a single nutrient in isolation. This includes overhyped omega-3 fatty acids. Whether you get these nutrients from food or pills, they’re part of a package.
Here’s an illustration. Just imagine for a moment you want to get more fiber into your diet and decide vegetables are the way to do this. So you buy some veggies, but they were grown near Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant and have low levels of radioactivity. Not enough to kill you right away, but enough to raise (more…)
Tags: cardiovascular disease, fiber, fish, fish oil, flax seeds, getting healthy, inflammation, Janice Stanger, lignans, nutrition facts, omega-6s, omege-3s, Plant-based nutrition, whole foods plant-based diet
Posted in Plant-based nutrition | Comments Off on Five Ways You Thrive with Flax Seeds for Pennies a Day
Saturday, November 13th, 2010
You Don’t Need Fat From Dead Fish to Be Healthy

Every fish taken out of the sea by people can disrupt ecosystems. Dolphins and other animals and birds that must eat fish may then starve. Modern fishing practices are simply not sustainable.
Fish and fish oil hype is everywhere, inundating news stories, ads, and doctors’ offices. The fatty component of dead fish is touted as the magic bullet for just about any health concern, from cardiovascular disease to poor memory.
There’s only one problem with these claims – they are not true. However, the fish and fish oil ballyhoo does hold a core of important information. If you want to benefit, it’s critical to sort the fact from the fiction.
Here’s the deal. You need two types of essential fatty acids: omega-6s and omega-3s. These substances are called “essential” because they are necessary for health and you can get them only from food.
Omega-6s are generally pro-inflammatory. Inflammation is a normal body function necessary for survival. Acute inflammation fights off (more…)
Tags: essential fatty acids, fish, fish oil, getting healthy, hype, Janice Stanger, marine algae supplements, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, phytochemicals, Plant-based nutrition, whole foods
Posted in Health | Comments Off on Seven Reasons Omega-3s From Plants Clobber Fish and Fish Oil